Part 19-A Seed of Greed

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 Madhulika stepped out of the palanquin as it came to a stop in front of the gates that led to Rajyavardhan's quarters. She sent a quick look at her reflection in the pool, noting how beautiful she appeared with her kohl-rimmed eyes and luscious red lips. Her anklets rang out on the marble floor, as she followed the servant to the prince's bedchamber.

Rajyavardhan was reclining on the gilded bed, a cup of wine in his hand. He looked up at her arrival, his hungry gaze roaming over her, taking in her curvaceous figure and disrobing her with his eyes.

Madhulika curtsied, then ambled over to his side, all the while, her eyes sending an invitation his way. He caught hold of her hand and pulled her down beside him, inhaling deeply of her heady fragrance. She smelled of jasmine in bloom.

"Mmm....." he sighed. "You smell delicious."

He lifted her veil, drinking in the sight of her face, then, slowly, his hand raised her face to his, while his lips came down on hers. He tasted of the wine, the spiciness strong on his tongue. Madhulika returned the kiss, her expertise a match for him. His mustache tickled her chin, but it was a pleasant sensation. Her arms went around him, clasping him close to her bosom, while her fingers played with his dark, overlong hair.

The naked bodies writhed on the bed, engaged in love play, the chamber filled with moans. The sentry called out hour after hour. Later, Rajyavardhan lay spent, his lazy gaze watching the woman who dozed by his side, exhausted.

"Get up," he nudged her. She wriggled her body, then raised herself on an elbow, and looked him in the eye.

"I have lain with many a man, Prince, but you're a king in bed," she said, her tone full of wonder.

"Well, I am a king. In bed and out of it," he replied, his chest swelling with pride.

"Oh, pardon me for saying so, Prince, but you're a king without a throne," she gently taunted, running her fingers down his chest in a playful movement.

Rajyavardhan pushed her hand away and sat up at those words. Madhulika smiled to herself. The arrow she had shot had found its target.

"Who says that I don't have a throne? The throne is very much mine. My brother has no right to it. We're twins. My illustrious father, the late king, should have divided the kingdom into two, but he failed me. My own family cheated me," he said angrily.

"Calm down, Your Majesty," Madhulika put a hand on his arm, and he tensed.

"Why do you wish to settle for only half the kingdom? Don't you deserve all of it? Who better suited to sit on the throne than a man who has it all? You're a brave warrior who has every quality needed to be a monarch," she continued, her tone filled with purpose.

"You're right, I guess, Madhulika," Rajyavardhan agreed, his eyes shining at the praise. "I'll think of something," he promised, getting up to throw a pearl necklace her way.

Mdhulika caught it, and then placed it back in his hand.

"Don't you like it? These are rare pearls," Rajyavardhan asked, frowning.

"This is not what I wish for, Prince," she replied, pressing her unclothed body against his.

He clasped her to his naked chest, placing a quick kiss on her lips.

"What do you want, my beauty?" he asked with an indulgent smile.

"A mansion, to start with, my lord, and the position of chief courtesan once you're the king."

"You play for high stakes, my dear," he parried, a new respect for her acumen in his eyes.

"That's true, my lord, but I'll always be your willing slave, ready to do your bidding." Her fingers traveled down his body in a sensuous movement, and he moaned with pleasure.

"Carry on like that, and you may well become the queen," Rajyavardhan grinned, slapping her rear. The woman had spunk, and she was an apsara in bed, those celestial beings who graced the court of mighty Indra himself and who were renowned in the art of lovemaking.

"The mansion is yours," he promised, wondering how he would keep his word. The generous allowance he received from his brother was already spent on gambling and merrymaking. He would have to find a way to gift the mansion if he did not wish to seem like a fool.

He saw her off with a promise to meet soon.

On the way back, Madhulika cogitated on the events of the night. It had been a successful night. She had planted the seeds of greed in his fertile brain. She would have to wait now for that seed to flower into a strong desire to wrest the throne from Yashvardhan. The present king was no longer of any use to her. He had walked the straight and narrow path since his queen gave him his sons. As for Harshvardhan, he was too arrogant for her liking and besotted with that fool of a girl.

Back in the palace, Rajyavardhan sat thinking over what Madhulika had said. She was right, he thought. He was better looking and more daring. He was valiant, so what was to stop him from wresting the throne from his brother? But that would take time and careful planning. He would have to keep an eye on the court politics. A few nobles disliked the holier-than-thou attitude of Yashvardhan. He would have to speak with them and garner their support, then build an army of his own with a handful of loyal men.

With that thought in mind, he went back to bed, rising the next morning with a firm determination in his heart.

Yashvardhan was seated in the audience hall, holding court in the presence of his ministers. They were discussing the laying of a road to the northernmost outpost of their territory. It was a remote region and communication with that part was difficult.

"Greetings to my king," Rajyavardhan curtsied to his twin, as he walked into the hall.

"What brings my dear brother to the court so early, today?" the king remarked. His brother seldom rose before noon and was the least interested in the affairs of the state.

"I thought it was high time I performed my duty to help you in the running of our kingdom, dear brother," Rajyavardhan replied, going to take his seat.

"Well, you have come at an opportune moment, my brother. The king of Sinhala Dweepa has requested for an ambassador to be sent to their country to facilitate trade with Jaigarh. Who better than you to hold this post, my dear," the King said.

"I...I....did not understand...."

"You're appointed the ambassador to that island state. You must leave by the end of the week. The ship is leaving then."  

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