Part 10- An Invitation

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 Menaka's mansion was lit with myriad tiny earthen lamps, giving it a fairy tale look. The gateman bent low, obsequious in the presence of the prince. The gates were hurriedly opened, and Harshvardhan guided his horse inside the long pathway. Both sides of the pathway were covered by well-laid gardens sporting a colorful array of flowers. A swing held pride of place on one side, and an attractive woman was seated on it, humming a tune under her breath.

Madhulika stood up as soon as her gaze fell on the prince. The king had enjoyed her services once, but she was more interested in the young crown prince. He was handsome, held a position of power, and was said to be generous. Even the king listened to his counsel on matters of importance. After all, he was the only surviving son of King Yashvardhan. A couple of his sons had died in childhood due to the pox. Thus, the prince was beloved of his father, who could deny him nothing.

"Your Majesty," Madhulika drew his attention with her husky voice.

The prince, who had just alighted from his horse, turned to her with a questioning look.

"Isn't the weather perfect to sit outdoors? The breeze is as cool and perfumed as the one blowing from Malaya hills, and the flowers of the night are in full bloom. Won't you join me on the swing?" she said, an inviting smile playing on her lips.

Harshvardhan shook his head.

"I want to see Neelanjana," he replied, turning his steps toward the house.

Madhulika ran up to him and put her hand on his arm.

"Please, Prince, you should also make time for those who wait anxiously for your arrival," she said, seduction in every glance.

Harshvardhan looked properly at the woman for the first time. She was beautiful in her own way, though nothing in comparison to Neelanjana, still, he couldn't disappoint her.

They ambled to the swing and she pulled him down beside her. They sat for some time, swinging in a leisurely way, enjoying the cool breeze.

Slowly, Madhulika inched near to him, pressing her body to his, covering his hand with one of her own.

"Shall we proceed to my chamber, my lord?" she said, her heated breath mingling with his.

Harshvardhan removed her hand from his arm and stood up with an abrupt movement.

"I told you that I am here to see Neelanjana," he said, fast losing his temper, and strode away without a backward glance.

Madhulika watched him go, her fists clenching with rage. She was the most sought-after courtesan, the favorite of the ministers and rich merchants. Even the king had lain with her, but the prince seemed besotted with that scrawny girl. What did she have, that Madhulika didn't? She knew more about pleasing a man in bed than any other woman in Jaigarh, of course, with the exception of Menaka. But Menaka was growing old now, and no longer so much in demand. Madhulika failed to understand what the prince saw in Neelanjana. The girl was nothing remarkable, she thought, admiring her own reflection in the pool with floating lilies.

Neelanjana was sitting in an upstairs room, playing the veena and practicing a raga. Menaka sat beside her, listening and correcting where needed. The women were so engrossed that they did not notice when the prince entered the room, and stood, enjoying the melody.

Neelanjana noticed him first. She dropped the musical instrument and jumped to her feet.

"My Lord!" she exclaimed, and ran to him, eager for his nearness. He was here to see her, her heart sang.

"Welcome, my lord. How may we serve you today?" Menaka inquired, bobbing a curtsy. It was then that Neelanjana realized that she had forgotten to do that. She colored at her own eagerness.

"I'm here to take Neelanjana with me," Harshvardhan said, getting impatient. Here she was, in front of him, and he was dying to have her in his arms.

"Have some patience, my lord," Menaka interjected. "Let me get her ready for you."

He waited, his feet tapping, showing how fast he was losing his patience, while Neelanjana dressed in her finery, putting on gold ornaments, inlaid with pearls.

They rode the black stallion. Neelanjana was becoming quite used to the intimidating beast. The horse sped down the tree-lined avenue, within no time, the vast pink stone palace loomed before them.

"Where are we going?" she asked in alarm as the horse sped inside the palace gates.

"Wait and watch," he said, mischievously, before spurring the horse.

They came to a stop in front of a side door with marble steps leading up to it. The prince jumped off the horse, picked her up, and deposited her on her feet. Then, he handed the reins to a stable boy, who led the horse away. They entered through the doors, into a tile-flagged passageway, whose walls were adorned with weaponry and deer heads. Paintings too lined the walls, each a masterpiece. They traversed the passage to reach an ornately carved doorway, leading to a luxurious suite.

Neelanjana could only stare with her mouth agape. She had never before witnessed such a display of wealth. The decadence and luxury were reflected in the huge golden bedstead, with a soft down mattress and lined with pillows. Curtains and carved wooden screens hid it from view to any entrant. Brocade-covered seats were placed strategically near the windows, which let in the breeze from the gardens. A crystal clear pool of water, sunken into the marble floor held center stage in the room.

"Do you like it?" Harshvardhan inquired softly.

Speechless, she could only nod her head.

"Come." He drew her by the hand till they stood beside the pool. He sank down on its edge and pulled her down beside him.

Neelanjana could see their reflections in the water, as they sat side by side. When the prince showed no inclination to say anything, but rather, sat staring at her with hunger in his eyes, she took the lead.

"What took you so long? I waited and waited for you. Did you not miss me?"

"Of course, my darling, I missed you every moment that we were apart, but I had a war to fight. That scoundrel Somdutt needs to be taught a lesson."

"Shall we promise not to discuss the affairs of the state?" she asked coquettishly.

Harshvardhan laughed. "A solemn promise," he said, lacing his fingers with her. "What do you want to talk about, then?" he asked with pretended innocence, as his fingers reached her back to untie the lace of her bustier.

"An...anything...." she stammered, as the bustier fell, revealing her svelte figure to his gaze. The rest of her clothes soon followed.

He lowered her into the pool, and Neelanjana gasped as the cool water drenched her heated skin.  

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