Part 20-The Performance

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Neelanjana picked up her skirt and skipped up the flagged stairway that led up to the palace. Valli followed behind her, as excited for the evening ahead, as she was. It wasn't every day that one got the opportunity to dance before the king. It could bring them fame and fortune.

She had made up her mind that day to help Menaka, and she had. Menaka had tried to stop her, advising her to rest, but she had been firm. She was going to dance at the celebrations in the palace, even if she died of exhaustion later. She couldn't stand to see the older woman humiliated. So, they had practiced as if there was no tomorrow, retiring to bed at night weary and ready to drop.

On the day of the celebration, she had been rested, fed, and then dressed in the most beautiful clothes she had ever worn. Gold ornaments complemented her attire. Her long hair was plaited and adorned with flowers and arranged in an elaborate do. She had powdered her face with flour and used berry juice to color her lips. Pure oil extracted from flowers had been dabbed on her body. Thus prepared, she had set out for the palace. Would Harshvardhan be there? She hoped that he would. She hadn't seen him for weeks now. She had been given to understand that he was busy in state affairs. How she had longed for his company, recalling the time spent with him again and again. Her body had burnt with hunger at the memory, for the first time in her life.

Now, they entered the wide portals of the palace and then walked down the passage to the great hall where the celebrations were to take place. The girls were accompanied by the musicians who played various instruments, and the nata who performed nail-biting tricks. They could walk the high rope and swallow fire.

Once inside the hall, they took their place behind the makeshift curtain, waiting for the cue to enter the stage. The hall was decorated with garlands of flowers and colorful streamers. A large gathering of guests and dignitaries were seated on cushions attired in costly clothes and colorful headdresses. Jewels glittered on their person.

Neelanjana felt her pulse beat like drums as she peeked out from the corner of the curtain and found Harshvardhan sitting beside a gentleman, deep in conversation with him. All who entered the hall bowed to them before taking their seats.

The sentry announced the arrival of the king with his queen, and everyone sprang to attention. Neelanjana caught her first glimpse of the handsome, burly man who was King Yashvardhan and his tall and elegant queen. The royal couple sat on the throne, and the king raised his hand to start the festivities.

"Hurry up, girls. Take your position, and remember whatever I have taught you," instructed Menaka, while Madhulika stood with arms akimbo and watched the frenzy of activity behind the curtain.

Neelanjana cast a nervous glance at her, praying that she would not do anything to spoil the presentation. Madhulika would rather they failed than that Menaka got accolades for training the girls.

The curtain parted and the girls gingerly stepped on the stage. A hush fell throughout the room, all eyes gazing at them. They took measured steps till both she and Valli stood in front of the king, then bowing to them, they turned to face the rest of the gathering.

The music started and both the girls swayed to it, their steps in unison. Valli was a good dancer too, and Neelanjana had no difficulty matching steps with her. The drums beat and the veena played. The recital went on for quite some time, as the guests watched spellbound.

"What a blue-eyed beauty she is!" whispered Rajyavardhan to his nephew. "Where was Menaka hiding her? I wonder if I could have her for the night," he said, indicating the girl whose exquisiteness and grace were remarkable.

"Don't even dare it, Uncle," Harshvardhan warned in a voice that meant business. "She belongs to me. I have bought her for myself alone."

"What do you mean, bought her? She is Menaka's protege, isn't she?"

"Menaka is only entrusted with the task of training her in the profession. She'll one day be the best courtesan in the kingdom."

His uncle gave him a pitying look as if he had gone mad.

"A courtesan belongs to no one, my dear nephew. She is available to all men for a price," he taunted

Harshvardhan's hand traveled to the hilt of his sword. There was no way that his uncle could have missed that gesture, nor its import.

"Have a care, Uncle. I shall kill any man who so much as gazed at her," he warned, his tone menacing.

The recital came to an end and the girls stood in the center of the hall, hands folded. Menaka walked out, beaming with pride.

"Let me present my pupils to you, Your Majesty. I am training them in the arts," she said to the king.

"You have done a wonderful job, my dear," King Yashvardhan said. "But then, I have full faith in your talents. We are proud to have you as our chief courtesan, Menaka."

The servants were called upon and came bearing trays filled with gold coins and jewels, to be gifted to her. Menaka thanked her hosts profusely, before whisking away the girls.

'Well done girls. You have made me proud," she remarked, once they left the hall. Both Neelanajana and Valli thanked her, smiling at their first achievement.

They were on their way out of the palace when a hand on her arm stopped her. She turned nervously, to find the prince standing beside her.

"You were amazing today, my dear," he whispered in her ears, his breath pleasantly warm against her skin.

"Thank....thank you," she said, suddenly feeling shy.

"Did you miss me?" He asked, his tone low and seductive.

"Hmm....but obviously you haven't missed me at all. Why didn't you come before, or send for me?"

"Believe me, I wanted to, but the affairs of the state kept me away. We are building roads and wells. That takes time." His fingers played with an escaped lock of her hair, and he breathed in her heady scent, his loins stirring with desire.

"Neelu, what's taking you so long?" Menaka called out from the palanquin.

"I have to go," she said, regret tinging her words.

He watched her go, with some reluctance. It wasn't the right time. He had guests to attend to, but one day soon, he would have her in his arms.

The palanquin carried her away from the palace, and Neelanjana felt tears threatening her vision. To be so near to him and then to be torn away. She knew that she was in love with the prince, but were her feelings returned? How could she find out the truth of his intentions? Was it just lust for her body or did he harbor deeper feelings?

That night, these questions troubled her, keeping her awake, just as desire kept her body on fire. When would they meet again?

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