~•°•◇|Chapter 3|◇•°•~

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Seeing, and hearing, that the guards were advancing quickly, Ethan panics slightly. He runs towards the door trying to close it behind him, only to comprehend, that the door won't close. Looking down slightly, Ethan realises his problem. One of the guards (knocked out and fainted) from before is "stuck" between the door, with the upper part of his body, preventing Ethan to effectively close it and sneak off with Bogdan.

"Scheiße" (Shit), even Benji who doesn't speak nor understands German knew what Sara had said. He didn't even bother to correct her, knowing she would just say it again. If not saying something worse.

Making a rather hasty decision, Ethan, hoping it's the last time, makes the rotation motion with his hand at the first surveillance camera he finds, and for the first time ,trough the entire mission, he screams, making Benji and Sara hear his voice "Open all of them!" you could hear the panic and desperation in his voice. "Doppel Scheiße" (double shit). Reacting as quickly as they could together Sara and Benji opened all the cell doors which where in the same hallway as Ethan and Bogdan was, and then they ran, they ran as fast as they could to the end of the hallway knocking over a few of the prisoners along the way.

After that, the duo, once again, was left without seeing and hearing Ethan. They let out a huge sigh of relief, happy that the most stressing part of the mission was now over. They weren't worried at all, knowing he could handle himself from there. At least until he meets with Jane.

Activating the finally complete gadget Jane makes a hole in the ceiling (for Ethan and Bogdan it was the floor) and looks up. Throwing him what looks like a carabiner, Ethan not fazed by any of this, just takes them and attaches them on the rope (that came up flying to the second ceiling) and gave them to Bogdan, after showing him shortly how it works. Pointing to himself Bogdan wanted to make sure that Ethan meant him and not someone else (even if there was nobody else) before he reluctantly took the carabiner from Ethan and slid down the rope, way too fast, while screaming and landing rather roughly on his back. Ethan instead came down with much more ease given his experience.

Saying "пойдём"(let's go) in Russian to Bogdan he turns around to face Jane while she asks "Agent Hunt?"

" And you are?"

"Agent Carter"


As they set off Jane asks, "Who's your pal?" "I'll tell you on the way!" Ethan replies before turning around for the second time and saying (now finally aware of what the plan consisted of) "Light the fuse." Jane does just that and runs after Ethan and Bogdan not wanting to be there when the bomb goes off.

(AN: Video is not mine, also you can skip till sec 0:27 if you want 'cause there's where the intro starts)

Sara and Benji (manly Benji) decided (so that they wouldn't get bored in the mine time) to remove computers and various gadget, from the back of the van, so that when the others arrive, they will have room to do the procedure, so that later, they could confirm that it's actually Ethan and not just some impostor trying to kill them and yada yada. Sara didn't really listen when Benji explained it to her, knowing already in what the procedure consisted of.


As soon as Ethan stepped into the vehicle, Sara wanted to jump on him and give him a hug and tell him that she's fine and how much she missed him, but she knew she had to wait, at least until the hairy Russian was gone. Benji took a seat behind the wheel since Sara couldn't drive because she didn't have a license yet (at least she didn't have one legally) and Jane had to make sure Ethan was really Ethan. Bogdan didn't count, since he wasn't officially part of the mission or team for that matter.

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