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Travis POV

I was nervous, never before had I genuinely been scared to do something. We had been texting non stop for the last two weeks and this weekend I had finally gotten out of practice so I was working out the courage to ask Taylor out. I would fly out to New York and finally take her on a date.

Tay❤️:  Hey, how was your day?

I smiled into my phone as I sat on my couch.

Me: good what about you

Tay❤️: Long, can we talk.

I didn't hesitate before calling her, and the phone ringing was stressing me out, 

Right on time I loved her voice, it was so playful yet calm.

Well, your wish is my command. She giggled into her phone and my heart skipped a beat.

So how was your day? In this moment I tried to channel my inner high school girl and was rewarded with her snorting laughter.

Uhhh, nothing unusual just long, lonely, and just not... I don't know.

Damn, I am sorry, I've had days like that too.

Really, the charming football player has bad days? I could hear the smile in her voice and I jumped up pumping my fist.

Awww, you think I'm charming. She groaned at my sing song voice and I laughed. 

You're impossible sometimes. My cheeks were beginning to get sore from smiling so I took a deep breath getting ready to shot my shot.

Welllll, I was wondering if I could ask you something?

That depends, what is it? I took a deep breath chewing on my cheek. 

So, I was wondering if maybe you would allow me to take you in a date. There was a silence before I heard laughter bubble up from the other line and for a moment my heart sank.

Finnaly, I was wondering what was taking you so long to ask. I started to laugh with her. 

Oh I'm sorry, I might have been a little intimidated by a beautiful global pop star I was trying to ask on a date.

She laughed again

So, when is this date

Do you have plans next week


Okay so I was kinda wondering if I could take you out for Friday  night dinner?

"Taylor, get your ass out here". Okay calm down I'm coming.

Sorry, it's girls night I gotta go.

Okay see you soon.I smiled though I was sad she was going.

Oh wait what time are you picking me up.

6. Is that good with you?

Perfect, see you then.

My phone went blank and I jumped up and cheered. "Best Day Ever" 

Taylor POV

When I hung up the phone I squeezed and ran out of the room I had hidden it to take the call and flopped on the couch with Blake and Selena. "Damn girl, who has you wrapped around their finger." I pouted at Selena and rolled over.  Blake decided to join in "I agree with Sel, Tay, who is hot enough to get you to take a call during girls night?" I glared at them and took a sip of my wine. "Can we play twenty questions?" Before I could yell at Blake Selena jumped in "Yes question one, is it a guy?" I glare again but then nod as I begin to smile when I think of Trav. They both begin to jump in asking questions and after 15 questions they found out he was a famous football player, who won multiple superbowls, wasn't a quarterback, had been on talk shows, is richer than Joe, and went to my concert, "have you slept with him?" I gave Selena a look "how is that relevant?" She smiled "It's not" Blake continued "besides we already know it's Travis". My eyes snapped to her as Selena broke down in laughter "how did you know that?!" They laughed before Selena responded "Oh Come Tay, we were eves dropping on your entire conversation,  so where is he taking you?" 

We descended into meaningless chats mostly revolving around me gushing about Travis. They were the first people I had told about him, Tree didn't count, and I was enjoying the freedom I got in telling them all the things he does. At some point Blake stole my phone and they were scrolling through my texts with Trav and they decided to make fun of me because I saved his name as Travy❤️, which I thought was perfectly normal but they found this so funny. And with his perfect timing my phone buzzed.

Travy ❤️: How's girls night going?

They screamed as they try to keep me from getting my phone back. "Aww, he is checking in on you". We ran across the room, they threw my phone from each other. "So, how do we respond"I screamed at Blake and jumped at her as she threw my phone to Selena when I tackled her "Well, these texts apear very dry, we could, you know, spice things up" I stared at Sel still on top of Blake "OH my God yes, how's your sexting?" "Shut up" I pushed Blake's face to the floor trying to get her to stop talking as I got off her and inched towards Selena. "What about: Hey Big Guy, are you a haunted house, cause I think you can make me scream." Blake laughed but I screamed as she hit a button on my phone. Blake held me back but I was making my way slowly towards her 

"Hey Tay" 

At the sound of his voice I turned my head slowly towards Blake, who was still holding me, to see she had a matching look  except she seemed more entertained where as I felt like I was dying. I prayed he would think it was a butt dial because we were all dead silent. In the mean time I decided to mouth profanities at Selena as I waited for him to hang up. 

Dang Swift, I hope you're talking to her and not me. 

My face went dull and I heard him begin to chuckle along with Selena and Blake who let go of me to roll over in laughter. Selena showed me the camera and I saw a smiling floating Travis and Selena Gomez grinning like a lunatic. I buried my head in my hands and mumbled "kill me now" I could hear him laughing over the phone 

if you die now you'll miss our first date. 

I smiled and peaked through my hands to see  Blake had gotten my phone from Selena and was holding it in front of my face so I could get a better look at the screen. Travis was wearing a KC hoodie and his hair looked wet, like he had just gotten out of the shower, I wonder what he looks like when he showers.

Am I loosing you Tay? His voice nicked me out of my daydream and I felt my face burn.

No. I'm sorry I am so sorry. I grabbed my phone from Blake and scooted up against the couch.

Hey don't apologize you just made my night. Somehow I bushed harder as the two girls silently cheered and I couldn't help smile.

Dang, how bad was your day. He smiled so big and I got lost in his eyes for a moment

Come on Gorgeous, I had an amazing day, but you should know you have no competition 

I smiled but soon rolled my eyes as I saw Blake pretending to faint into Selena's arms.

Well Tay, I love talking to you but its... girls night...he put a falsetto on the last word

 Well, when you put it like that... I pouted a bit "Wow don't sound so excited" I glared at Blake but heard Travis laugh so a smile crept onto my face.

Good Night Beautiful I laughed but before I could say goodbye to him he hung up.

"Awww" that made Selena and Blake mad, so the rest of the night was spent with them pissing me off in every imaginable way but I had a date this weekend and nothing could bring me down from this high.

Then You Came in Wearing a Football HelmetWhere stories live. Discover now