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Taylor's POV

We depart from Japan at 1:00 and I fell asleep immediately only waking up to stagger into the hotel and fall asleep again, barley managing to let Travis know that my flight had landed.

I woke up to voices whispering softly around me, I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and the voices stopped and I heard paper crinkling. I sat up and caught Blake putting a paper in her pocket. "What are you doing?" Lana, Blake, and Ice sat at the table in the master bedroom looking guilty as fuck. I held out my hand and Blake she reluctantly handed me the paper "Come on, what did you do that for." I almost laughed at Ice's comment, but Blake stepped up to answer "You haven't seen a full grown woman maul someone," Lana pointed at Blake "Facts" they started to laugh and I rolled my eyes and opened the paper.

On it were Super Bowl bets, but not football bets, bets like how many times I'll be shown on the jumbo tron or whether or not Travis would propose. I looked up at them with a glare, "what the fuck is this?" Lana glared at me  "language Tay, aren't you supposedly some big profound poet or something". I flipped her off "I'm going back to bed wake me when you win 14 fucking  Grammys." They laughed as I crawled into my bed and immediately fell asleep. 

I was back, the warm breeze and the smell of slightly burnt cookies, I hurried down the stairs  with a small smile "What are you up to?"  Travis was holding a little girl and mixing what looks like icing. "We are baking!" I smiled at my daughter and took her from Travis with a smile  "Is that  what this is?"  Travis playfully glared at me "We can't all be  good at everything".  He leaned down and kissed me and our little girl giggled.

I opened my eyes and glared at my phone as the beeping pulled me from my sleep. I grabbed my bag and almost ran to the plane. And was bouncing around as we got closer and closer to Vegas. By the time we got there I it was the morning before the game but Travis was already gone, but waiting for my in the condo he rented were flowers and chocolate, a guitar by the piano, a huge bowl of my favorite foods, from chips to chicken to fruit. The fridge was full of my favorite ice cream all topped with a hand written note. That was so sweet I sunk onto the pench of the piano took out a notebook and started to play.

In a few hours a bunch of people came over to start preparing for the game and we were leaving soon after. I was bouncing around and buy the time we got to the stadium I could feel my hair going grey. I tried to distract myself by hanging out with mine and Travis's parents and the friends I made come. And it all started in a blur.  I couldn't take me eyes off of the game as it the little ball began to fly back and forth and the grown men tackled each other. Seeing Travis in his element was both amazing and terrifying. I couldn't help but laugh when the screen panes to Travis yelling at Andy, I could almost imagine how guilty he would be, once before I had been at practice when Travis had argued with him before, and for that next week he gave him guilty presents and I knew it would happen again.

At halftime I was able to socialize with a lot of the people that were there, I was able to let my muscle memory kick in and I was on autopilot the whole time. Usher was good, then it was back to socializing and then the game. I found Travis's 1 yard 1 reception and 1 target hilarious because I know most of my friends had placed over bets on him on the paper back at the house. 

Clock began to whined down and my whole body began to tense. At some point during the year I had started to understand football, and once I realized how it was played I started to get way to invested in the team, way beyond just Travis. It was so bad I knew everyone on the field's number. 

Fucking overtime, a bit of my brain just wanted to go back to sleep already, but I couldn't wait to see how the game was going to end. And end it did, the feeling of euphoria I got when I saw the Mecole run into the end zone was crazy.

I stayed by Donna as we made our way towards him. My heart flutters when he saw his mom he smiled so bright and he hugged her so gently. Then he saw me. 

I didn't think his eyes could shine any brighter than they were before, but he saw me and somehow they did. I'm not even sure what he said because was to focused on keeping his lips on mine. All I knew in this moment was that I was in love with Travis Kelce, and he was in love with me. 


I got to the house about an hour before him, he had to shower and have a final team meeting. I tried to wait up for him but I fell asleep despite myself. I woke up when I heard the door open, "Honey, I'm home!" I tried to sit up and hug him but my body had other priorities because I couldn't move. Just as I got right side up big strong arms lifted me up. "I thought jet lag was a choice?"  I could feel his smirk even with my eyes closed.  I felt him lay me down on the bed an I tried to escape, "Wait, Trav, we have to celebrate. You won Travy." He chuckled his deep laugh and I tried  to kiss him with my eyes closed. "There's a party in a few hours, I have to be there but I'll be careful not to wake you and we can party it up tomorrow." At that I sat up and crawled onto his chest "no no no," i  tried to grab his phone, "set an alarm for three hours before the party. Of course I'm going", he laughed, and kissed my cheek "the party is in 2 hours". I jumped up in alarm but he grabbed me and pulled me back down. "I have a thirty minute timer set, we both need sleep." I was gonna argue but he kept going "I'll help you get ready, we both need sleep." With that I fell asleep.

Turns out all I needed was the small finish to my nap because I had plenty of energy. Trav was true to his word and definitely helped me, for the few seconds where he was ready before I was. 

This party is lit. Jason was a blast, as normal, and throughout the night Travis kept checking on me to make sure I was comfortable and I found it cute. One thing that wasn't cute was my decision to bring my parents. My dad loves Travis, he was the guy my dad had always wanted me to be with. And my mom was always supportive, at least to my face, every dude I brought home it was the same, "he seems like a nice boy, you seem happy".  But Travis was so much nicer to her than almost everyone else, he treated my mom just like he treats his mom and it was so cute.

He had to go to the bathroom at one point so I was left with my parents and friends, that's when I heard You Belong with Me begin to play. Those around me all started to laugh and I could feel eyes on me but I kinda missed Travis in this moment, someone bumped me and pointed to the do booth and a giddy smile crept onto my face. Travis was waving his hand and he turned towards me. We locked eyes and sang in sink as the world melted away.

Throughout the night I stayed close to him and I had an infinite energy source and felt like I could dance all night. At some point I got cold but he knew and already put his jacket on my shoulders. As I began to get drunker and drunker I found Travis beard sexier and sexier and couldn't keep my hands out of it. I knew many people were watching and we started a game to see who can find more cameras, and I think he might be letting me win. 

When the night was finally over we staggered into the house hand in hand drunk off our asses. Travis heard one of my songs in the car ride home and he couldn't stop singing it in between kissing me. "I love you" I curled up next to him in his shirt I stole a long time ago "I love you too." 

Sorry this took so long I've been really busy, hope you enjoy 

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