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Taylor's POV

This place was so peaceful, the slight breeze blowing through my hair and a smile had crept on to my face as I listened to the waves cheese and the faint screams in the distance. After a while I began to notice how quiet  it had gotten and all of a sudden water came crashing down on me. I screamed and turned around to see the 3 people I loved most running away.

I ran down the beach  after Travis, he was carrying our daughter on his shoulders while our first born ran the opposite way. I easily caught up with the little boy and threw him over my shoulder as he squealed and gently kicked me. "Put the child down." I turned towards  my husband, holding my daughter both armed with water guns. "Yah, put the me down"  I playfully shook  my mini guy "Never" , I ran towards the water  and started to push through the waves. I ended up getting knocked over by a big wave and was thrown underwater. 

I was able to keep hold of  boy and we rolled onto the ground covered in sand  "Tay, are you both alright?" I started to get swept up again but Travis easily lifted me back to my feet and our son held on to his leg screaming and laughing as the current washed over him.  "I'm alright" I kissed him but was batted back by little hands "gross"  we both laughed and Travis put down the little girl. "Go play with your brother" I shouted after her as she ran away  "and be careful". He wrapped his arms around me but kept his lips just out of my reach "I love you" he kissed my forehead "let's go play with our awesome kids" I smiled "We really did make awesome kids didn't we." He wrapped his arm around my waist, "the best"

My alarm pulled me out of my dream "fuck", I slammed my hand for down looking for my phone cursing as I went, but it turned off on its own. I blinked, sat up and looked around my hotel room, of course none other than Tree Paine was sitting in the corner holding my phone, "Wha.." "Don't talk if you were dreaming about Travis" I rolled my eyes "it was one time, you can't keep complaining about it"  She tossed my phone at me "I'm gonna bring that up at your wedding." I stuck out my tongue "Go away" 

When I got out of my room the  living room was swarming with people, I sighed and braced for the day, I had meetings with my team for the album , triple check my look for tonight, had a long talk with Tree about alcohol  consumption at live television events which was just as fun as it sounds.

Throughout the day I kept checking my phone, there were plenty of messages but non from him.  He texted me last night telling me he would be flying to Vegas today but would be watching the Grammys and rooting for me. But I did miss my good morning text.

As we kept closer to the event things just got more and more intense. I went to hair then makeup then it was into my dress and on with the jewelry. "How am I looking Tree?" I modeled for her and she slow clapped "like someone sober". I made a face at her and scrunched up into a ball around my phone and immediately got yelled at by everyone in the room for wrinkling the dress.  "Okay okay I'm sorry" Tree walked over and pushed me out of my chair, and picked it up "that's it, you loose chair privileges" I looked exasperated and gestured to those in the room who simply snickered at me as I went to smack Tree.


With the flash of the cameras and shouts I began to focas as the background thoughts fade away. 16 years of experience took over my body, "Lana!" I ran over to give her a hug, "Tay, you look so good." "You too girly", we chatted for a bit as we walked to our table. 

When I heard them call my name it was like every aspect in my life clicked in a moment. I walked up, gave the speech I had rehearsed a million times, when I finally finished telling them about my new album I scrambled back stage to post it but saw something that caught my eye


🥵🥰: I saw you up there, you are awesome! I am so proud of you!

🥵🥰: I love you, hope your having fun.  

I broke into a huge smile, I was just about to call him but Tree grabbed my phone, "wha..." "No. Call your boyfriend later, we have an album to release. She glanced down at my phone and laughed, "my super awesome boyfriend Travy who is super awesome and.." she took a break to laugh then catch her breath "and makes me smile" she kneeled over and laughed her ass off. "I will fire you." She stuck her tongue out at me, "I will" she looked me dead in the eye "If you haven't yet your never gonna". I hated that that was 100% true.

From the Grammys we went to the after party, I was upset that Lana didn't win, sure I was happy I did, but if Fucking Joe Asshole Alwyn got a fucking Grammy she should have 20. But she was being such a good sport. 

I was very drunk at this point, and was so glad that this was a party that did not have cameras because I was dancing and singing my heart out, I bumped into Miley Cyrus who was equally as drunk as me so we started dancing together  "cause I Love Vermont bu it da season of da sticks and I saw you..." we broke into laughter and held on to each other to stop from falling and staggered over to the bar for drinks, well actually shots, but we drank enough to fill a normal glass so we will just call it one drink.

In  my drunkenness I climbed into a booth and called Travis.

Hey pretty girl what's up. He was sleepy and I realized I must have woken him up.

Awww Travy, did I wake you up? I'm sorwy, I wuv youuu"

He chuckled in his sleepy laugh that I hadn't heard in a while. 

I wuv your wittle waph when your tired.

I love your drunk phone calls, promise me you won't ever stop doing it. 

I pwomise, I will still call you, even once we get married and have kids I will still get drunk and I will always call you first.

You really want to marry me someday? I giggled

I would marry you tomorrow Travy, I gasped we can get married in Vegas!!

He laughed again

Deal, I'd marry you anywhere Tay. But I gost to go to bed now, have fun at your party, congratulations, your incredible, drink water and I love you.

Love you fiancé, good night

I put down my phone with a smile and looked to the people sitting across from me. Jack and Lana were in shock but Tree rolling around laughing. In between gasps for air Tree started to talk "I can't wait" *gasp* "to tell you about this when you wake up" she dissolved in laughter and I'm not sure she didn't pee herself.

But yes, Tree did have a fun morning.

Thank you so much for reading, Hope you like.

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