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Taylors POV

Kansas City 4 o'clock Christmas Eve my parents, brother and cats finally landed. They filed out onto the tarmac, Tree had switched up my jets id so nobody knew they were here, but, to be safe we still were shielded by a convoy of black suburbans. Travis had stayed at home, he was cleaning . I hugged my family and talked with them as we drove to his house. Surprisingly Travis had insisted they stay at his house saying that he had the rooms and any family of mine was family of his. Literally the hottest fucking thing any man has ever said to me and I was glad my parents weren't there for what I did in response. 

We were finally here, I had been in KC for almost a week, I would live here full time if my schedule would allow it. Anyway, we walked in through the garage, Travis was in the kitchen charcuterie boarding it up. When he saw us he dropped the cheese and headed straight over I jogged over and gave him a small kiss and he squeezed my had focusing on my family. "Nice to meet you guys" he looked over at my father "And it's great to see you again Mr Swift" my dad responded well and gave Travis a hand shake "Nice to see you as well Trav". I paused, that was knew. Now Travis turned to Austin extending his hand "Travis, Nice to meet you" my brother followed my fathers actions  "My turn" my mom burst forward pushing Austin out of the way to hug Travis. "Mrs Swift, so nice to finally meet you, all of you, can I help you bring your bags to your rooms and get settled in?" My mom smiled "that would be lovely Travis, and please, call me Andrea." "Of course Ms..Andrea" he gestures to the guys "Right this way".

After showing them to their rooms my family began to unpack their bags and I met up with Travis in the kitchen, "How was I?" he raised his arms up in a shrug. I smirked and strutted over to him "This morning?, you were so so good baby" I grabbed his chin with my thumb and pointer fingers pulling me down so I could reach his face "so very good." I slowly kissed him, my arm twisted around his neck and I pressed him against the counter. He pulled away reluctantly "That's not what I meant." I groaned at the loss of contact. I still pulled him into a hug, "You are incredible Trav, I love you". We stayed like this for a while, eventually he pulled away but when I went to kiss him he put a piece of  cheese in front of my mouth. "What is this?" He proudly grinned at me "It's my charcuterie" I took it from his hand and let out a small moan licking my lip, "No" he held up a finger in my face "Taylor, no, you are not doing this" "I am inclined to agree with Travis on this one." I jumped back when I heard my mom's voice and I would have fallen if Travis hadn't wrapped his arms around me, holding me up right as I tried to pretend my whole family hand my just watched me try to turn on my boyfriend.

That night I had dinner with my whole family, Travis was a natural, my family began to tell stories at my expense, sure, it was embarrassing as fuck, and I spent most of the night trying to hide in Travis's chest. But there was something special in this.

With Joe none of my family or friends felt comfortable enough around him to embarrass me and it always bothered me, there was no connection between them and Joe in 6 years now in an hour they were closer than they had ever been, with any of my past boyfriends. 

"So Travis, how's you family?" His face lit up at my mom's question and I prepared myself. "Well my parents are in Philly with my brothers family, pros of the being the favorite I guess, but they called me earlier today." I laughed "parents don't have favorites" I rolled my eyes, "Oh, Taylor, there are definitely favorites" Trav and Austin high five and my parents rolled there eyes.

Travis had to leave eventually and I had drinks with my family. "So, Teffy, what's up with football man" I glared at Austin, "None of you business". This prompted an argument between me and Austin. 

I hung the stockings Travis gave me for an early birthday present, His, Mine, the cats, Mom, Dad and Austin. I thought it was a little silly, but his it was such a sweet gesture to make us feel at home. 

I cuddled into his bed, I slept soundly in his shirt and had another dream.

I was tired and my fingers were sore from wrapping presents, a little boy crawled over to me. "Whatcha doing mama?"  I smiled at the little boy climbing up my back. I just finished wrapping his presents, now, I was on to Travis's gift. I reached around and grabbed him lifting him to my lap. "I'm wrapping a present for daddy". He giggled "Can I help?" "Why of course!". As if on que the little girl came in following her brother. "Hiya girly, wanna come help me and your brother?" She nodded and joined him on my lap. 

I began to explain how to measure the paper, my son took the lead doing just as I said. Once I cut the paper the kiddos worked together to hold the sides together and tape it. "Good job guys, almost done" we then finished folding, that took a while but eventually we were able to pull it together. "I'm so proud you guys" . We each signed our names on the box then went to sneak out to put our project under the tree. My baby boy was rolling around ducking form furniture to furniture and my daughter was toddling after him while I watched with an amused grin.

The kids ran off the second we put the box down because they lost interest. "Whatcha doing Tay?" I jumped but he was there to catch me I looked at him with a coy smile "Nothing"  I smiled,   "I love you Tay" I kissed him "I love you Trav" 

"Wake wakey" I was pulled out of my sleep by strong arms, I could only murmur "Travy" I felt someone kiss my neck and I smiled "Merry Christmas beautiful". I opened my eyes and kissed him hard, "Merry Christmas Baby". I followed Travis out of his room and into the living room where my family had gathered. Where the stockings had mysteriously been filled "What did you do?" He turned to me "What do you mean. Santa is a stud here in KC, I might have put in a good word.

Yes, Travis left his hotel early just so he could make out first Christmas morning special. We opened presents and ate breakfast. The game was a bummer, and I knew it pissed Travis off, but he didn't show it. He spent the night celebrating with my family and I and I had the strangest feeling.

That night we'd curled up in bed "How are you feeling, about the game?" I knew he needed to talk about it and I wanted him to know I was the person to talk too. He sighed "It was just a bad game, we were a mess and got beat by the fucking raiders. The Raiders. It was just so demoralizing." I kissed him gently, "that's why there's next game, right?" He smiled softly at me "Right, and we can talk about football and how much the raiders suck later, but right now I'm in bed with the love of my life on Christmas and all I can feel is love and gratitude" He kissed me softly and I opened my mouth allowing him access. I gently moaned and moved to straddle him but he flopped me back down on the bed. "Oh no no no, no sexyness with you parents in the building okay". I rolled my eyes and moved right on back smirking at how hard this was going to be for Trav "Fine then" I started to kiss down his chest, "but I'm just so comfortable" I ground my hips into his crotch and he groaned and grabbed me. He carried me to the bathroom and stripped of both of our clothes, I kissed him and he kissed me, I wrapped my legs around his waist pressing out bare bodies together, but just as I got my pussy to brush against his cock the shower turned on and I was hit with the cold water. I glared at him through the water droplets and he noticed "Please don't be mad Sunshine, this is your fault" I rolled my eyes, "I wasn't the one with a boner, I didn't need a cold shower" He laughed and pulled me closer to him "what can I say, any excuse to see this beautiful body of yours." He kissed me one more time, "and you definitely need to cool off." 

I eventually warmed up by cuddling with Travis and drifted off noticing how my stomach was sore from laughing and in my mind I dubbed this the best Christmas I had ever had.

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