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Taylor's POV

I let out a groan as I finally opened my eyes head pounding. I quickly shut my eyes and pulled the covers over my head, as I smelt my breath I realized it was a mistake but was too tired to care. I raked my brain trying to remember what happened last night, I went out with Ryan and Blake. That was all I could remember, I had the vague recollection of fighting with someone over why cats were better than dogs but didn't think much of it. I eventually pulled myself over to my phone, everything looked normal at first, then I noticed a new contact in my phone 

mysuperawsomeboyfriendTravywhoissuperawsomeandhotandmakesmesmile🥵🥰: sorry I hung up, my phone was about to die, let me know how your doing this morning, and good morning beautiful I hope you have as much fun today as you did last night.

I re-read the text once before hitting the call button. As it rang I tried my best to remember what I did last night, it was ringing for a while and I realized he must have been sleeping but I was too panicked to hang up, I had to know what I did last night.

The moment I saw him pick up the call I started talking not even letting him answer.

WHAT DID I DO, I flinched at the volume of my voice.

Is my sunshine not feeling to peppy. this morning? He was chuckling though his voice was sleepy.

I did pause for a moment before answering, I wasn't one for nicknames but my stomach twisted when he called me that.

That is rude and not the answer to my question. What the fuck did I do last night? He laughed again and I couldn't help roll my eyes, he was an idiot, my idiot, but still.

Well, what do you want to know? You convo with Pat, your ideas on our relationship, or how cute you are when you snore.

No. I sat there in shock trying not to smile as I heard him cracking up.

Okay you're joking. I was almost sure.

Oh Tay you wish.


Please, try me.

Fine, assuming that Pat, is Patrick Mahomes, what did we talk about? I could hear him smile as he answered 

Well at first it was just drunken conversation then you introduced him to the cats, even did a few voices. 

Shut up. I was in denial up to this point but how did he know about the voices I only did the voices when I was blackout drunk.

How do you know that.

I was there, then you guys started arguing over cat and dogs

I groaned Oh my God, I really did that, oh my God, I'm so sorry 

Wait Tay that wasn't even the best part

No I cant know any more. He started to keep talking but I plugged my ears and made noises.

Eventually he stopped talking.

Are you done?

Yah, you do snore cute I blushed, no one had ever said that, I had been told that when I drink to much I do snore but everyone else I had been with has just made me feel insecure.

Thank you that... I was interrupted by a beeping sound from his side of the phone.

I'm sorry, that was my alarm, I have to go get ready for practice.

I felt sad but knew I needed get out of bed myself 

Okay, goodbye, I'll call you later?

Of course, goodbye.

The phone went dark my headache had diminished for bit but was coming back in full force. Groaning I got up, my water glass was empty so I wandered into the kitchen. I filled my glass then reached into the cupboard for ibuprofen but when I closed the door and jumped when I saw Blake standing right there. I jumped and screamed falling on the floor spilling water all over myself. "Geese Taylor, are you okay?", Ryan asked me from across the counter as Blake helped me up. "Why are you in my house?", she rolled her eyes at me "We feel so welcome", I glared at Ryan "We were drunk last night and you let us stay over" still glaring at Ryan I answered "Thank you Blake, that is what we call HELPFUL" Ryan stuck his tongue at me and I did the same thing. Blake smashed my face in with her hand"I thought I got my parents to watch the little girls", we started to laugh but I cringed as my head throbbed.

I texted my security to get us breakfast since none of us felt like cooking and it was here in about a half hour. "Do you guys remember what happened last night?" "We went for drinks" I gestured for them to continue "and..."they shrugged "helpful" "how was you call with Travy". My eyes darted to Ryan and I dropped my fork "What did you say" he smiled but Blake punched him "I thought we weren't going to bring that up.". I snapped to Blake "we weren't were we", she shrugged "well, since we asked, how did the call go?". I put down my palate so I could use my hands to gesture "okay, so I called him last night when I was super drunk, now, here's where is gets fuzzy, according to him I had a drunken conversation with Patrick" "who?" Blake interrupted me and I glared "Mahomes, anyway, I introduced him to the cats" "did you do the voices?", this time it was Ryan "I hate you" he laughed "oh, you totally did", they both started laughing "shut up and listen to me. So then Pat left and that's when things went downhill for me, he says that we talked for about an hour during which he says I shared some opinions about our relationship, don't ask, I don't remember, then I must have done my clingy thing" "don't call it that Tay" I gave Blake a look, she was right but Joe had really gotten into my head. "Fine, basically I made him stay on the phone as I fell asleep and snored and he heard me and he said it was cute.", I smiled big and hugged my arms close to each other "damn girl, you whipped" Blake punched her husband and I rolled my eyes. "Wait, why do you keep saying 'according to him'?" I blushed "I called him this morning after he texted me" Blake scooched over to me "What did he say?", I pulled out my phone and showed her the text, she awed and Ryan rolled his eyes and got up to put away the kitchen glancing at my phone as he passed. "Whoa whoa whoa, he paused and pointed to his contact, "What is this? What is that name?", I closed my phone quickly, "What?" I looked around innocently pretending not to hear him, Ryan was gonna push more but Blake put a hand on his chest, "don't push this hun, she's the best at denying the embarrassing shit she does.".

A few days past and everything seemed normal, that's when I got a text.

Selena: Is Travis okay?

It's safe to say that was the fastest I have ever called someone in my life and I knew my heart wouldn't slow down till I heard his voice.

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