Chapter 3: The Wise Women

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I needed no further encouragement. Tears welling up in my eyes, I ran out of the room.

Marry Larnick? Go and live in Crosstain? I would only see Kriston once a year when we came for his birthday feast. The full moon was less than a week away.

Blindly, I ran to Kriston's tower to break the awful news. At the bottom of the steps leading up to my brother's room sat Davin with Milo, my brother's black and white spaniel, lying across his feet. He was stroking his silky head, his eyebrows knitted in a troubled expression. At the sight of him, I smiled in spite of myself and wiped my tears.

Davin was a rosy cheeked boy with a sweet temper and a mop of unruly blonde hair. At eleven he was older than Kriston by a year and worked as his manservant. He and his younger brother, Petros, were our dear friends.

Like us they were orphans. Their father had been the Stable Master and had died in the same battle as our father, defending the kingdom from Quaini raiders. Their mother had died giving birth to Petros, who was eight years old now and worked in the stables. Davin leapt up when he saw me and Milo bounced up and down with excitement.

"Annie!" he shouted "I mean . . . Princess Annifer . . ." he hesitated and looked nervously at his fingernails before adopting an uncharacteristically formal tone. "I regret to inform you that you will not be able to see the Crown Prince today because he's meeting with his new tutor." I stared at him incredulously.

"What do you mean, I can't see him? What's going on, Dav?"

"Lady Beatrix's brother, Lord Skarp has come from Skaliff to help Kriston with his kingship studies and he has instructed that they must not be disturbed." I stood there, mouth open, confusion in my eyes and he dropped the formality. "They say he's very learned, Annie," he leant in and dropped his voice to a whisper. "But he doesn't seem to like me. He sent Milo out because he kept growling at him."

"I . . . I can't see Kris then?" I gulped.

"Not today, Annie. I'm sorry." Davin looked truly sad. I couldn't bear to upset him further with my news so I patted him on the shoulder and ran back to my room.

At the top of the stairs I pulled open my door and slammed it behind me. I was out of breath so my sobs came out even louder. I threw myself on the bed and gave myself up to howling.

What could I do now? My whole life had been decided for me and I was powerless to change it. I'd have to leave everything I knew and loved, my home, my brother, Abigail, Poppy, Daisy, Davin and Petros, and go and live with in a freezing country miles away with an ignorant, stinking lump who didn't even like me!

I buried my head in my pillow and sobbed my heart out. Before long I felt a small furry face rubbing against my cheek and heard a purring noise. My black cat Sasha always knew when I needed a cuddle. I sat up and pulled her into my arms. She purred louder and nuzzled my tear-wet chin.

"O Sasha! What am I going to do?"Just then the door opened. There was only one person who came in without knocking.

"Abigail!" I cried. Her grey-streaked hair was tied up in a bun and her brown eyes were filled with concern.

"I heard the news, Annie," she clasped me and Sasha in a bear hug, from which Sasha quickly wriggled free.

"I can't leave Kriston . . . I can't marry Larnick . . . I can't go away. What am I going to do, Abigail?"

"You're going to be very brave and strong, my dear and pray to the Goddess to keep you and Kriston safe."

I started. Mouth open in shock, eyes stretched wide, I pulled away.

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