Chapter 17: The Ending

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Next time I woke, my head was full of fog. Gerda helped me sit up and lifted spoonfuls of broth to my cracked lips. I slurped them hungrily.

Suddenly the door flew open. In burst an over-excited Poppy and her little sister. Daisy was a smaller, version of Poppy with the same dark hair and soft, gentle eyes. She was carrying a cloth bag over her shoulder. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyelids stretched. She looked like she was about to explode.

"We've won!" they screamed, both at the same time. "We've won the battle!" They threw themselves on the bed, knocking the empty wooden broth bowl out of Gerda's hand. Behind them, through the door burst Abigail in a similarly animated state. Draped over her arm was one of my favourite dresses: shimmering aquamarine silk with purple threads embroidered into it. One hand was full of jewellery: an amethyst tiara, matching necklace and bracelets and the other carried a pair of pointy-toed jewel-encrusted high heels.

"Kriston's taken back the castle and he's going to be crowned king of Frailing this afternoon." The words tumbled out of her.

"He sent us to fetch you for his Correlation Ceremony." Poppy interrupted, eyes bulging, her face mere inches from mine.

"Coronation, dear," Abigail corrected. 'It's called a Coronation Ceremony."

"You too, Gerda," Poppy ignored her mother and threw her arms around Gerda's neck, knocking her backwards onto the bed in her excitement. "Kris says the first thing he's going to do when he's king will be to get rid the Old Law banning Goddess worship and let the Wise Women come back and practise their craft in safety. You're coming with us, Gerda!"

In a whirlwind of activity, they bundled me out of bed and into the dress. I sat, dazed as Poppy brushed and plaited my hair and Daisy adorned me with the jewellery. Barely pausing for breath, they related every detail of how the Castle was being decorated for the coronation, how many flowers were being brought in, how huge a feast Cook was preparing. As Poppy knelt to force my feet in the torture-shoes, Daisy piped up,

"Don't you think she's suffered enough?" She pulled my green slippers out of the cloth bag and handed them to her sister. Poppy frowned. I sighed with relief. Then Abigail and Daisy put an arm under each of mine and helped me hobble across the room. Poppy called Milo to follow, tucked Sasha under one arm and with her other hand, led a stunned Gerda to the front door.

When Abigail opened the front door, I gasped in amazement. The golden carriage Kriston and I had ridden in on special occasions was waiting for us. The sun glinted off the ornate gold filigree that decorated its doors and the replica crown that topped its roof. In the driver's seat sat Petros, his face split by the widest grin I'd ever seen. His hand was bandaged neatly and he wore Frailing's purple velvet livery. His blonde hair was brushed and neat. Out of the carriage window leaned Davin, waving furiously. Poppy handed him the animals, first Sasha, then Milo and we all climbed aboard. Petros shook the reins, clicked his tongue and we were off.

Wasting no time, Davin took up the story and told me everything that had happened on the battlefield. I didn't even try and explain that I already knew, I'd been there, I'd seen it. I waited till he got to the part I didn't know.

"When the Skaliff troops saw Skarp was dead, they turned on their heels and rode back to Skaliff and Ivan went with them. Our army all cheered and Kriston led them into the city, towards the castle."

"We rode with the army," said Daisy. "When we got to the castle gates, Kriston dismounted the unicorn, then he stroked his face and bowed to him. The unicorn turned and galloped off down the street. We kept watching him, Poppy and me, till he was almost out of sight and then we saw wings grow out of his back and a spiral horn grow out from the middle of his forehead and then he just spread his wings and took off. He soared up into the air and flew off towards the Forest. It was amazing! You've never seen anything like it!"

Poppy took up the thread.

"The courtiers were all standing at the gates, cheering. They told us that Beatrix had fled to Skaliff to join her husband. They didn't want Kris to walk up to the castle on foot so they carried him on their shoulders. They carried him up the steps and in through the Grand Entrance Hall, through the Banqueting Hall and put him down in front of the Throne Room. That's when he called me to his side and told me to go and get you and bring you here and invite Gerda to the coronation so he could tell the people how she'd helped save him and he could announce that he was repealing the Old Law and the Wise Women could henceforth practise freely in Frailing."

"And Annifer, guess what?" Daisy grabbed me by the shoulders, delight in her eyes. "He's sent a message to Crosstain asking them to delay your wedding for a few years so you can help him rule until he's a bit older!"

At this my heart finally melted. Tears of joy and gratitude streamed down my face. The two sisters hugged me and I sobbed, letting the emotion pour out.

By now Petros was driving the carriage through the castle gates. The people were cheering and waving their hats. I wiped my face and waved back. Some of them had picked roses from the rose garden and they were throwing them on the ground in front of us. At the main entrance we alighted from the carriage, dogs, cats and all. The courtiers burst into applause. They clapped and cheered us as we walked through the castle, barely recognisable behind all the flowers and banners, to the Throne Room.

The others entered through the open double doors and joined the throng. I stopped on the threshold and waited for a few seconds to compose myself. I took a deep breath. As I stepped inside, all heads turned towards me. For a couple of heart beats, I stood there in the silence, before they all burst into cries of jubilation,

"Long live King Kriston! Long live Princess Annifer!" I looked up to see Kriston, sitting on the throne, the Night Star shining above his head. He would be the best king Frailing had ever had. My eyes continued upwards. High above the throne, there was a window that looked out onto the courtyard. On the windowsill, looking down at us was a white dove. I watched till it caught my eye and nodded its head.

I bowed back and smiled.

✨✨✨ The End ✨✨✨

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Plaguesbane, the second book in the Annifer trilogy, is now also published.

Thank you for reading 😊I've now published a prequel which takes place 100 years before the events in this series called The Wise Women

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Thank you for reading 😊
I've now published a prequel which takes place 100 years before the events in this series called The Wise Women. I hope you enjoy it 😊

Goddess protect you all!

'The fulness of life
Lies in dreaming and manifesting
The impossible dreams.'

Sri Chinmoy


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