Chapter 15: Artem

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Next thing I knew I was lying in a bed.

My body felt as heavy as lead and I couldn't open my eyes. Someone was lifting my head and holding a cup to my lips. I knew from her herbal scent that it was Gerda. I swallowed a mouthful of the warm, bitter liquid, my throat was raw. Gently, she lay me back down on the pillow. There was a hand — a smaller hand — on my shoulder.

"Annie! Annie, are you OK?" It was Kriston's voice. Gerda's voice replied.

"She's alright, Kriston. I broke her fall and she landed on soft grass but she's very weak. The healing took a lot out of her."

Kriston was alive and safe. That was all I needed to know. Relief flooded me and I sank back into the blackness of sleep.

I don't know how long I slept for but when I woke again the room was more crowded than before. I still couldn't open my eyes but I could hear voices I recognized. Davin, Petros, Abigail, Poppy and Daisy were all there.

"How did you get here?" Kris was asking. Poppy's eager voice replied..

"Beatrix wanted a lavish feast for Ivan's coronation. She wanted it to be the biggest feast the castle had ever had.  Cook flew into a panic and sent Daisy out with the longest list of food to buy: eggs, sugar, cream, butter, honey, flour, chickens, carrots, potatoes, cherries . . ."

"I get the picture, Poppy," said Kris with a laugh.

"When Daisy said she couldn't carry all that, Cook said, 'Well, you have a mother and a sister, don't you?' and got dispensation for us all to go out."

"It was the same for us." Davin's voice now. "Beatrix wanted barrels of beer and bottles of wine for the feast so the head footman got dispensation for Petros and me to go out in the haycart with Treacle to get it all. We met Poppy and her mother and sister in the marketplace. Then a rumour started that you and Annie had escaped and Skarp was furious. We didn't dare go back to the castle after that. Abigail said we should come here."

I drifted off again. When I woke up for the third time I managed to crack my eyes open. There were three people sitting round a table at the other end of the room. Gerda, Kriston and a man I'd never seen before but instantly recognized. He had the same dark hair and piercing blue eyes as Gerda and my mother. He could be none other than their brother, my Uncle Artem, who was now king of Moonrun. Gerda was telling Kriston her story, most of which I now knew. I dozed until I heard the part that was new to me.

"When we were growing up in Moonrun, my brother and I had our rooms in towers at opposite ends of the castle, like you and Annifer do. We trained my pet doves to carry messages from one tower to the other. I'd write what I wanted to say on a piece of paper and attach it to one of my doves' legs. Then I'd let him go and he'd fly to Artem's side and deliver it. When I left the castle to join the Wise Women, I took my doves with me so I could still send Artem messages in secret.

The day Annifer came to see me, I told her to return that same night so I could give her the healing crystal and complete her training. When she didn't come back, I sent a dove to Artem, telling him all that was happening. He replied saying he would rally his army and march to Frailing. His army would wait in the forest and he would come here so we could make plans."

Artem spoke. His voice was deep and powerful but gentle at the same time.

"Moonrun loyal to you, Prince Kristin, my dear sister's son. My army awaits in the forest. We're ready to attack. Ivan's army is preparing for war and we meet for battle in the western fields tomorrow. Prince, we need you to lead the army."

"Me?" Kris blurted. "Lead the army?"

He's only ten! I thought but couldn't open my mouth to protest.

"Ivan's army is mostly Skaliff troops but there are some Frailing soldiers who Skarp has threatened and forced to fight for him. His army's bigger than ours but you are the rightful heir to the Frailing throne and your people are loyal to you. When they see you riding against them, there's every chance they'll switch to our side."

"But I don't have my horse."

"You'll ride the unicorn, Kriston," Gerda said. "When the cause is just and the battle righteous then the unicorns will fight on the side of the good. He will disguise himself as a normal horse, no horn and no wings, but he's still far swifter and stronger than any other horse."

"Petros and Davin will fight by your side, Prince," said Artem. "I tried to persuade them not to but they said if Ivan wins, life won't be worth living in Frailing anymore. They won't be talked out of it. Daisy says Davin's brave as a lion and Petros knows horses better than anyone. They'll be helpful to us."

"Abigail and her daughters will work in the tents, tending the wounded," said Gerda. "I've given them herbs and potions. I'll stay here and look after Annifer." Kris took a deep breath.

"Alright," he said. I heard the determination in his young voice. "I'll lead the army."

Goddess, protect him. Goddess protect my brother. I thought as unconsciousness enfolded me once again.

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