Chapter 5: The Dancing Lesson

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I woke before dawn and washed and dressed before Poppy even arrived, eager to get to Kriston as soon as I could.

I tucked the locket safely in the pocket of my skirt, slipped on my comfy shoes and ran down the staircase. Rounding the corner, preparing to sprint down the corridor that led to the Banqueting Hall, I collided with Lady Bellina.

"Annifer!" she scolded "How many times have I told you not to run in the castle. It is most unseemly for a princess to be running everywhere. Now I'm glad to see you up early. We've got plenty of work to do. Follow me."

That was that. I had no choice but to follow her to the Dancing Hall, which was in the opposite direction from where I wanted to go. Somehow I had the funny feeling she'd been waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs to make sure I didn't go anywhere else.

Lady Bellina started by lecturing me on the history of the Crosstainian Wedding Dance and what each move represented. "First Larnick takes you by the hand and leads you from outside into the circle; this shows you've left your home and entered his world." I did not like the sound of that. "Then he hops and skips around the inside of the circle, bowing, spinning, jumping and clapping at different intervals and you follow him, imitating his every move. This shows that from henceforward you will always follow his lead."

This was too much. I switched off and thought about Kriston and how soon I could get to him. Soon she was playing the part of Larnick, demonstrating the moves I was supposed to imitate. I tried my best to follow her but my mind was elsewhere. I hopped when I should have jumped, turned left when I should have turned right and instead of standing and clapping three times, I spun into her, knocking her to the floor.

"Annifer! For goodness sake! This is a formal dance not a barroom brawl!"

Lady Bellina was exasperated and scolded till her voice was hoarse. Eventually she threw her hands in the air and declared that was enough for one morning and we should break for lunch. I breathed a sigh of relief.

By now I was dizzy and my feet were killing me. I was also starving because I'd left my room before Poppy could bring me breakfast. The courtiers usually took lunch in their rooms, only meeting in the Banqueting Hall in the evening for dinner. Lady Bellina accompanied me back to my staircase, scolding me all the way. I'd really have to try harder. The wedding was only a few days away and at this rate I'd be an embarrassment to Frailing. I didn't bother pointing out that this was only my first attempt and that the dance was impossibly difficult. She instructed me to be back in the Dancing Hall in an hour's time and I pretended to head back up my staircase.

As soon as she was out of sight, I sped the other way down the corridor. I swung round the corner into the empty Banqueting Hall and ran down the right side of the tables. It was then that I noticed something unusual. The Throne Room door was slightly open. After the Council Meeting the Throne Room was closed and stayed closed until the Appealing on Saturday. I'd never seen it open on a Thursday before.

Cautiously, I tiptoed towards the open door and peeked inside. My eyes widened in surprise. Lord Ivan was sitting on the King's Throne — his hands gripped the armrests tightly, his eyes bulged, his teeth were bared in a wild greedy grin. Next to him on the Queen's Throne Lady Beatrix preened and simpered and looked like she was about to burst with delight. Shocked, I let out a gasp. Immediately I put my hand to my mouth and pulled my head back. But it was too late. They'd seen me.

I hurried through the Banqueting Hall and down the corridor towards Kriston's rooms. Ivan wants to be king! I thought with horror, And Beatrix wants to be queen. He's next in line to the throne if anything should happen to Kriston... Oh God, no! I had to get the Moon Locket to him fast.

As I dashed towards Kriston's staircase I saw something else new. At the bottom of the stairs stood two guards in full armour with swords. Their helmets bore the falcon crest of Skaliff.

"I need to see my brother!" I informed them with all the royal authority I could muster.

"No admittance to Lord Kriston's rooms except by order of Lord Skarp," the taller of the two announced in a thick Skaliff accent.

"But why?" I protested.

"The Crown Prince is very busy with his kingship studies. He must not be disturbed."

"But I need to see him!" My voice shook with emotion.

"Orders of Lord Skarp." His features were set, his face hard as a rock. I saw there was no point arguing with him. My heart hammered in my chest. I'd have to find another way to get the locket to Kriston. Davin! I thought. Davin would give it to him. If Lord Skarp had sent him away too, I knew exactly where he'd have gone. I raced out through the west door which was the servants' exit that led to the stables. Any free time he had, Davin spent with his little brother Petros in the stables. My luck was in. I could see Davin walking straight towards me on his way back to the castle.

"Davin!" I shouted, running towards him. "I'm so glad to see you. I have something for Kris. Will you give it to him, please?" Davin flinched. He backed away from me, red-rimmed eyes wide with fear. His face was blotchy from crying.

"No, Annie!" he held his hand up in a 'stop' gesture. "No, I can't! Don't ask me. Please Annie, please don't!" He shook his head and started running away from me as fast as he could, along the wall of the castle towards the servants' quarters.

I stood there, staring after him, my mouth open. I couldn't believe what had just happened. We'd always been the best of friends. Why would he start behaving like this now? And why had he been crying? I was at a loss now. I didn't know what to do next. I started walking round the outside of the castle, back to my tower. I hadn't eaten at all today. Maybe when I had some food inside me I'd know what to do.

In my room Poppy was waiting for me with bread, cheese and apple juice. She was dabbing her swollen eyes with a handkerchief and sniffing loudly.

"What's wrong, Poppy? What's going on?" The words came tumbling out of her.

"It's Petros. He's fallen off his horse. He's fallen off Treacle. Doctor Hosta's with him now."

My head spun. A wave of nausea passed over me. I tried to focus.

"How badly hurt is he?"

"Severe bruising but no broken bones, the doctor says."

"But wait a minute, Petros is the best rider I know. He could ride before he could walk and he's been riding Treacle since he was old enough to be harnessed. Why would he fall off now?"

"That's just it Annie," Poppy broke into sobs. I put an arm round her shoulder and sat her down on my bed. "Davin was feeling sorry for Kriston, he knew he'd be missing Milo so . . . so . . .in the night he sneaked into the basement and got him and started taking him up Kriston's staircase. Halfway up the stairs he saw Sk . . . Skarp. He had a hammer and chisel and he was chipping away at a stone on one of the steps. When he saw Davin he grabbed him by the throat and threatened him. He said he knew he had a little brother and if he wanted to keep him safe, he wouldn't tell anyone what he'd seen."

Oh God! Skarp was loosening a stone on Kriston's staircase so he'd fall down the stairs! Skarp was trying to kill Kriston so Ivan could become king! My stomach turned a somersault and my breath caught in my throat.

Poppy blew her nose and carried on, "Then we heard Petros had fallen off his horse. They fetched Doctor Hosta and he took him to the infirmary. Davin was leading the horse back to the stables. I went with him. He found a d . . . dart stuck in the horse's side, the kind you blow from a little tube. Davin started crying and told me everything. He's so worried. Annie, someone darted the horse so it would throw Petros off." She dissolved into tears. I held her tight and soothed her, my mind in turmoil, my heart beating like a wild thing.

Now we were all in real danger. I had to think of a plan fast.

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