The kind miss Midorya

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Midorya rings the doorbell to, his and his mother's apartment. The door opens to reveal a small kind looking woman, Y/N immediately bows forward grabbing her hand shaking it.

"What a pleasure to meet you miss Midorya! Your son kindly invited me to dinner I hope I am not too much of a nuisance!" Y/N exclaimes with a wide close eyed smile

"Oh, no it's quite alright! A friend of Izuku is always welcome!" She tells him

"How kind of you Miss Midorya, my name is L/N Y/N! Pleased to meet you!" Y/N says bowing dramatically

"Please you two come in." She says making way for the two boys to enter

"If I may ask... Where is the bathroom?" Y/N questions

"Oh! It's back there, to the right! We can immediately start to eat when you are finished." She tells them

With that Y/N went to the toilet, for a... Quick relief... He was walking around the city for hours, this was necessary by now.


Y/N washes his hands, then stares at his face in the mirror. The Midorya's were probably the only people who didn't look shocked at him for all the scars... The only one else has been Iori for now. Miss Midorya seemes like a kind soul... Probably too kind for her own good. When Y/N returns they are both whispering to each other, but immediately turn to Y/N.

"Well then Y/N, I hope you like a good seafood-ricebowl!" Miss Midorya announces running to the kitchen and grabbing a final pot.

"I definitely like that, Miss Midorya!" Y/N cheers

As she walks over to the dinner table, miss Midorya trips, starting to fall to the ground with the pot. But she and the pot both get stopped by multiple tentacles like arms.

"Please be careful miss Midorya!" Y/N smiles pulling her back up with his arms and handing her the pot back with. Two other arms

"Oh thank you L/N! I wouldn't have been able to catch myself there. Now sit down you two." Miss Midorya thanks him placing the pot on the table

"Thanks for the food!" Midorya exclaims

"Thank you miss Midorya." Y/N gives a small smile

All of them start to dig in.


"That was good miss Midorya!" Y/N stretches himself

"Yeah mom!" Midorya agrees

"Well thank you boys. Do you two have anything planned?" She asks

Y/N looks down at his phone.

"I am sorry, but I'll need to go now. It's getting pretty late and Midorya will need his sleep." Y/N says standing up

"Oh, yeah right! The exam is tomorrow!" Miss Midorya says

"Thank you for the food!" Y/N exclaimes jumping once

"It's quite alright. You can come over anytime!" She smiles

Midorya goes to the entrance with Y/N.

"Be careful on your way back. It's getting dark." Midorya tells him

"Oh that's no problem. You should better tell the burglars to be careful." Y/N smiles

"I-I see." Midorya says

Y/N hands him a note.

"Huh?" Midorya questions

"My phone number. I expect to hear from you. At least when you have your results." Y/N turns around putting his hands in his pockets

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