A room contest?

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"Good morning problem children. I'm here to welcome you into your dorm rooms. Everything will be split, the boys rooms and bathrooms will be on one side and the rooms of the girls on the others. You will be split also by a second level and the dorm building has one common room." Aizawa explains to them

"Damnit! Why are the bathrooms split!?" Mineta exclaimes

"Well that's obvious isn't it?" Kirishima says looking down at the creep

"You problem children can start filling your rooms now and have complete free time to do so until classes start again next Monday." Aizawa tells them

"Then let's get going!" Mina exclaimes

But a cheering of the class is interrupted when Bakugo pushes past multiple students, only coming to a short halt when he stands Infront of Y/N. He stand for a moment then shoves him to the side.

"Good to see you have survived... I guess... Patch face..." He mutters quickly then walk to Kaminari grabbing him and walking over to a bush

"Hey wait! What are you-!?" Kaminari exclaimes

For a moment you can see and head the electricity sparking and the next he walks out to the other students, his brain fried quirk overused self.

"Pfft!" Jirou has obvious struggles to contain her laughter as Bakugo walks over to Kirishima giving him money

"Take it." He simply states then walking off

"Dude, your scaring me!" Kirishima exclaimes

"Just take it!" Bakugo shouts

Kirishima looks at the money then raises his hand slightly.

"Who wants to barbecue this evening to celebrate!?" He exclaimes

To which the class starts to cheer.

'Was there anything else you deemed necessary from your apartment?'

'Let's see... The small TV, the wardrobe with clothes and the books from the shelf. I think that's all.'

'Alright and I got some guys delivering a bookshelf and a bed near the evening for you.'

'Would have preferred to keep the old one.'

'But that one wasn't yours, that's part of the apartment. Just like the fridge I also couldn'et you take.'

'Talking about fridges! Maybe a mini fridge for some drinks and quick meals?'

'... alright then. That all then?'

'Eh... yeah!'

'Good, have some fun with your classmates until I'm there, then we can get your stuff in and I'll help you decorate.'


Y/N and Iori had most planned already, the mini fridge now being a small addition

"Hey L/N! Good to see that you are alright!" Uraraka greets him walking over

"Oh! Uraraka! As if that old quirk thief could make me kick the bucket!" Y/N chuckles

"I was more afraid that you could maybe have problems with that leak from the hero commission..." Uraraka mutters

"Oh that! Well if that would have made any problems, I would just live on the run!" Y/N tells her cheerfully

To which Uraraka looks at him questioning.

"Isn't that... A bit too much?" She asks to which Y/N only shrugs

Entering some talk with the other students time flies by very fast. Many already start with their rooms and quickly Y/N starts with his.

Putting his books on the ground, the TV on stand, and the wardrobe with his clothes. Iori helps with some decorating. The first place medallion from the sports festival, a hammock and having pre commissioned the room to be on the darker side in a mix of dark blue with purple accents and dark wood on thw floor. Iori had also taken the liberty to buy a fitting carpet and the booksh as well as the bed came far earlier than he had claimed.

"You went a bit overboard with the extras old man." Y/N states

"Well, this will be your new stay from now on. As we have discussed I will get everything ready to have the money that Normally would have gone into the apartment into your allowance and two things are still missing for today." Iori states looking at his phone

Just then two men walk in with a well made desk with multiple drawers and the possibility to change heights and an office chair.

"You also needed somewhere to do your studies." Iori comments as Y/N tries the height changes

"Well yeah... But you didn't need to go that much overboard!" Y/N says looking at him

"Says the one who wanted to eat away at the commissions funds." Iori smiles cocking his head

"That's not fair! I wanted revenge!" Y/N exclaimes

"Who says I am not returning a karma?" Iori questions

"For what do you need to take revenge?" Y/N asks

"Never said a bad karma. You did well these last month kiddo, so I wanted your new space to be comfy and a bit more personal than the apartment. If you have anything decorative in mind, just write me and I'll buy it on company expenses." Iori tells him turning around

"Eh... Thanks I will." Y/N says a bit unsure

"I'm going now. Need to write some reports... And send in some checks..." Iori sighes

"Bye old man!" Y/N bids farewell

He jumps on the new bed together with a book and a packet of pokey sticks. Reading on I'm his philosophy books this time and not his society critical ones. This went on until someone knocks at his door. Opening the door it reveals about... All of his classmates Mina at the front.

"Hiya Y/N! We are doing a dorm room contest! We didn't see you in the common room, we went through a few boys rooms already yours would be the next!" She tells him

"... Alright then... Come in if you must..." Y/N mutters then enters his room sitting down on his bed

His classmates wander in looking around.

"Pretty plain, but dark."

"The number one medal!"

"Aren't these books, like... Totally anti hero?"

"One of these cool moving desks!"

They muttered around, while Y/N sits on his bed watching them awkwardly. He didn't really have friends back then. Having so many people at once in his room... The last time he had that where when the police arrested him.

"Alright I think we have seen everything! Let's go to the next room!" Mina cheers

Quickly the class waddles out. Only Mina staying in.

"Eh, you coming with Y/N?" Mina asks

To which Y/N only looks over to her with empty eyes.

"No... I'll stay here. I... Haven't finished reading." To be honest he was just searching for a reason to get some alone time again

"Ok then! If you need anything, you can knock at my door alright?" She tells him

"Ok... You all have fun." Y/N tells her

That... Felt weird... It felt so pressing... Why did his classmates storming in remember him of that day.... This was a completly different scenario...



But similar happening, people rushing in, disconnect shouts. It all felt so... Eerily nostalgic of that day.........

And Y/N didn't like that... He hated it.

(An Idle hero society) Bnha X Male Mahito Reader Where stories live. Discover now