Fighting for points

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"To this next round the first 42 students of the race advance! This is the cavalry battle! All of you will have to build teams of about 2-4 students! Every student will get a headband corresponding to their points! The leader of the group will get the headbands and isn't allowed to touch the ground! Whoever holds the most points at the end of the round wins!" Midnight explains

Mh... So this would basically mean Y/N simply needs to defend his band till the end. With his transfiguration, that should be easy. But whom to partner up with... He would need a group that could make sure he wouldn't fall, something with a back up plan and good movement.

"Hey L/N! Would you like to team up with us?" Uraraka asks

As Y/N turns around Midorya, Uraraka and an unknown girl standing behind him.

"Why not, I already have an idea of what to do." Y/N smiles

"Who are you?" Y/N asks

"My name is Mei Hatsume! Please call me Mei! I'm from the support course and my babies can help you with everything! They are wonderful!" Mei exclaimes

"Can your babies help us with movement?" Y/N asks intrigued

"Yes of course!" Mei exclaimes

"Then I have a plan"

"Alright, what do we do?" Midorya asks

"It's simple, I need Mei to use her 'babies' to get us out of most situations. I need Midorya's strength to make sure I don't fall and his wits to coordinate everything and Uraraka I need your gravity manipulation as a back up." Y/N tells them

"Alright, sounds pretty simple and what will you do?" Uraraka asks

"I'll defend the headbands. They won't even see them." Y/N smiles


Everyone gathered, all the teams assembled. Every team had placed their leader on top of the others, seeing as these weren't allowed to touch the ground. And one thing is obvious, they will be coming for their points.

"Alright everyone! Get ready!" Midnight announces

"Three, two... One! Go!" Midnight exclaimes

And the moment every group starts sprinting towards Y/N's group, is also the moment they immediately come to a halt. Y/N's body starts to deform, weirdly stretching around himself.

"What is L/N doing there!? Is he- He formed a protective barrier around himself and the headbands!" Mic exclaimes

Everyone's shock resides as quickly as it arrived. The groups continuing. Now the coordination was left to Midorya.

"Alright! To the left! Mei accelerate our jump!" Midorya exclaimes

As Todoroki ice shoots towards them, they step to the side and then jump with acceleration due to Mei. Sending another group that was coming for them flying across the ice.

"Alright my baby! That was perfect!" Mei exclaimes

Bakugo's groups jumps towards them, with high speeds due to Ida. As Y/N hears the explosion from the inside an Eye forms on the outside of the protective layer.

"Attack incoming!" Midorya exclaimes

But before Bakugo starts to attack directly with his explosions a swift movement of a dark hand let's his headbands dissapier.

"What the hell!?" Bakugo exclaimes

As he frantically turns around, he seems to have spotted the perpetrator, telling his group to turn around and choose another foe. Bakugo with his grudges just can't let it slide when someone tries him. But Todoroki wasn't giving up. Y/N feels how the backside of his protective layer gets frozen. This was his biggest problem. He didn't want to go the extra step to make the layer more focused on defense. That way it would be easier to uphold, but harder to switch in quick situations and on top Y/N didn't want to waste unnecessary energy.

"We have a problem back here!" Uraraka shouts

Y/N decides to do something drastic. Turning his hand into a blade he cuts away the part of his body that was the protective layer, immediately healing the spots where his flesh was separated and sending his free arm towards Todoroki.

"You want to challenge me!? I welcome it!" Y/N exclaimes

Yaoyorozu creates a metal staff and tries to hit away Y/N's arm only for it to rip away the staff and immediately move down with it and with full force aiming for the groups legs. Sending Yaoyorozu and Kaminari falling to the ground holding their legs in pain.

"Come on! Try me! Hahaha!" Y/N laughes

Watching the last of the carriers, Koda the silent kid of 1-A loose his balance and nearly crash to the ground.

"We need to stop this pursuit." Todoroki says as Koda slows down and Y/N reforms his 'barrier' with a sinister smile on his face

"W-was that necessary L/N?!" Uraraka asks

"I made quick work of them, the faster the safer." Y/N says from the inside

"I-I know, but that still looked pretty painful..." Uraraka states

"They'll manage." Y/N tell her

Having created a short time to breathe, team L/N re-assess their situation. Or they try to.

"Uraraka!" Midorya exclaimes

"Got it!" She shouts using her gravity manipulation

"Mei!" Midorya continues

"Already on it!" She joins

As team Bakugo shoots towards them at high speeds using Mina's acid and Sero's tape, team L/N shoots up into the sky starting to float. The whole group hanging onto Y/N. Immediately Uraraka stops her gravity manipulation sending them back down, landing safely.

"You ain't done yet! Deku and patch face!" Bakugo shouts his team had already changed trajectory

"Again!" Midorya shouts

Yet again team L/N shoots up into the sky!

"Oh no you don't!" Bakugo shouts jumping of his team sending him flying upwards after them, with explosions

"L/N!" Midorya exclaimes

Y/N's barrier dissapiers his arms turning into wings flying away from the group. As both carriers groups crash into each other on the ground. Bakugo and Y/N fly up further.

"5!" Midnight's voice suddenly exclaims

Bakugo closing in onto Y/N

"4!" Midnight shouts

Bakugo turns one of his hands forward to grab for Y/N's headbands.

"3!" Midnight exclaimes

Y/N drops backwards, sending his head bearely away from Bakugo's hand.

"2!" Midnight continues

Bakugo sends himself crashing after Y/N. Who is already using his transfiguration to try and hide the bands again.

"1!" Midnight announces

"Come on!!!" Bakugo screams

"It's over!" Midnight shouts loudly

Only a moment after Bakugo and Y/N crash down onto the ground. A second later and they both would have been disqualified.

"The winner of the cavalry battle is team L/N!" Midnight announces

As Y/N stands up he can see on the screens

'1st team L/N'

'2nd team Bakugo'

'3rd team Shinso'

Y/N must have send Todoroki's team searching for scraps after eliminating half of it.

"We did it!" Midorya shouts as he bursts into tears

"That was close L/N!" Uraraka exclaimes

"Before we head into the final part of the festival! We will head into a break! Take a breather everyone!" Midnight announces

Y/N looks around himself... Where was Bakugo? He was seemingly gone.... Oh well.

(An Idle hero society) Bnha X Male Mahito Reader Where stories live. Discover now