Fighting for amusement

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"Our next fighters take the stage! On one side, we have the infinite arsenal Momo Yaoyorozu and on the other side the ruthless ever-changing Y/N L/N!" Mic announces as both students enter the stadium

"You two are aware of the rules correct? Whoever is knocked out first or leaves the marked area has lost!" Midnight tells them

"Are you ready to fight for the amusement of others!?" Y/N shouts to Yaoyorozu

"What are you talking about?" Yaoyorozu asks

"What else is this? This is just students beating each other up for the whole country to watch! As someone who inspires to be a hero, you do things for others and today we are the entertainment!" Y/N shouts

Yaoyorozu and Midnight seem unsure what to say. After a moment Midnight shakes her head then puts her hand in the air.

"Are you two ready!?" She asks

"Yes!" Yaoyorozu answers

"More than I ever was!" Y/N tells her

"Go!" Midnight shouts

Immediately Y/N's arms shoot forward and Yaoyorozu creates a metal staff. Like before Y/N's hands grab the staff, easily taking it away from her. He pulls his arms bag and starts running towards her. Yaoyorozu creates another staff.

"Do you think you have enough strength, to fight a battle like this against me!?" Y/N shouts crashing downwards with his staff

Yaoyorozu strikes forward, shattering Y/N's staff with hers. Hitting him in the face with full force. He hits the ground a few meters back.

"A clean hit by Yaoyorozu!" Mic shouts

"What...?" He mutters

"I knew you were going to take the staff away, because of that I made it as fragile as possible while still having it look pretty sturdy." Yaoyorozu tells him

"I see, pretty clever." Y/N says standing up

He dusts himself of, the small wound on his head closing up by itself.

"But you should have attacked me relentlessly there. You need to take every opening you can get." Y/N tells her

Suddenly spikes start to shoot out of the ground. Heading for Yaoyorozu. She jumps up heading for Y/N striking her staff downwards again. Y/N's hands move up, the spikes returning back to him. He grabs Yaoyorozu's hand, disarming her and forcing her into a waltzing position in one move.

"What is L/N doing!?" Mic questions

"H-huh!?" She exclaimes

"Time to entertain those fools!" Y/N announces his upper body bending backwards throwing Yaoyorozu behind him

His hand immediately shoots after her, grabbing her leg throwing her into the ground. The hand keeps it's firm grip, as Yaoyorozu tries to get it of Y/N starts to spin in the middle of the stadium pulling her off the ground. Yaoyorozu is spun around him.

"This is just like a children's ride! But I'm afraid you didn't pay!" Y/N states letting her foot go, sending her flying of the battle area

Midnight walks over to Yaoyorozu lying on the ground outside of the area and puts up her arm.

"Momo Yaoyorozu is out of bounds! Y/N L/N advances to the next round!" Midnight announces

Y/N simply starts to leave the stadium...

The first battle, was pretty dissapointing. Next one to fight will be Kaminari against a girl from class 1-B. For now Y/N has to wait, wait and see who will be his enemy.

(An Idle hero society) Bnha X Male Mahito Reader Where stories live. Discover now