Dorm rooms

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The door opens with Aizawa, Toshinori and Iori entering.

"Hello young L/N! Good to see you are okay!" All-Might greets him

"I admit after hearing how beat up you were I am surprised to see you awake so soon. But it's good to see you so well." Aizawa states

"It smells like smoke in here." Iori comments

"Miss Yoshino smokes, the woman who was here with Junpei." Y/N tells him

"I see... Well how are you feeling?" Iori asks

"I'm well healed myself with my quirk." Y/N states

There is a moment of silence in which the three only nod.

"And hello to you three." Y/N nods back

"Well as I have messaged you there is something important we have to talk about." Iori starts

"Since all the happenings UA has decided to move you students to on campus dorm rooms." Aizawa continues

"And we are here to ask you and your guardian of course, if you would continue being a hero and join your fellow students on campus!?" All-Might exclaimes

Y/N's head turns to Iori, a questioning look on his face. Why the questioning? It meant continuing or prison.... Iori sighes the two teachers watching the two's wordless interactivion. Although they probably take it as Y/N wordlessly asking if he can. After the long sigh, Iori only nods. Y/N looks at him with an unamused face. He could have said before hand that this meeting was meaningless.

"Of course I'll continue." Y/N finally says

All-Might jumps up.

"All right then! We just have some paperwork regarding the movement for you two to sign!" He announces

It was nothing to special. Simply stating the rules of the stay, night times and the end with leaving the school, either it be finishing, being kicked out or leaving on own behalf.
After Y/N and Iori had signed, the teachers start packing.

"Mister Aizawa." Y/N starts

"What is it problem child?" He asks looking at him

"There was something I had guessed about my quirk. Something All for one confirmed." Y/N starts now the three man look with deeply serious faces.

"There was a reason why he wanted to talk to me specifically. Apparently he had some contact to me, when I was young. He said something along the lines, of having watched me with great interest long before I started becoming a hero." Y/N starts explaining

... Then of course him following his family and seemingly being the reason for Y/N's' quirks second awakening for no reason...

"He said something that meant as much as my quirk being capable of creating quirks. That I, or my quirk would make it easier for him create armies of Nomus, human looking ones too and what not." Y/N tells them

Aizawa and All-Might look at each other. While Aizawa's face stays stern All-Might's face is filled with deep dread.

"Was there anything else important he told you?" Aizawa asks Y/N

"No... I don't think so. But I have a request." Y/N asks

"What is it problem child?" Aizawa asks leaning forward slightly

"Could we try and find a way for me to train that part of my quirk? Not only body manipulation but quirks manipulation? I could permanently deactivate quirks of villains or give quirk less civilian's the possibility to defend themselves in a time of need, I could dampen uncontrollable quirks! I could... I could... Create quirks for quirk less people and forge their bodies to perfectly fit their quirk!" Y/N gets exited while explaining

Aizawa puts a hand on his chin.

"I see where you are coming from with that.... The possibilities already seemed endless with your quirk, but it always seems to expand more. I will try my best to think about it." Aizawa tells Y/N

"The most morally grey think I can think of spontaneously is testing your quirk on little animals, or insects. But I don't know about that...." Iori suggests but seemingly immediately hating what he just said

"That would of course be the easiest, but it's cruel to. Not something I would condone much less the principal." Aizawa says

All-Might looks at the clock on the wall.

"We should go now. We are getting late to the teacher meeting." All-Might tells Aizawa

"You are correct... I'll think about it problem child. You rest now the final week of the summer break is when the dorms will open for you to get your stuff inside prior to school start." Aizawa says to Y/N

"Thank you sir and goodbye!" Y/N cheers

The two teachers say their goodbyes and leave. Y/N turns to Iori.

"Really old man? Rubbing it in again that I can't really leave?" Y/N asks

"Listen kid, they are so set on continuing the project they don't even allow me to give you the choice to leave legally. All I can do is give you the best stay in hero school I can by supporting you and getting more allowance for you as we go on." Iori sighes

"Still couldn't you have said something about... I don't know this meeting being pretty much pointless?" Y/N questions

"I'm sorry kiddo ok?..... Now when did they say you can leave?" Iori asks

"Said they wanted to do some check ups and wanted to keep me the night..., but I don't see a reason to stay if the checkups say I healed myself fine." Y/N comments

"Alright then... How about we his a sushi place tonight after we get you out of here?" Iori asks

Y/N's face turns to a cheeky smile.

"Oh I'm gonna run the commissions finances dry in that sushi place!" He proclaims

To which Iori starts to chuckle.

"Oh do try, I don't think even Fatgum could do that if he had a year time to!" Iori says

"Oh yeah? Try me! I just change my body with my quirk and start shoveling down!" Y/N cheers

They had a few hours to themselves talking and laughing until the check ups started and with some arguing with the head doctor, Y/N was released early and very soon... The school live will begin, how interesting it was going to be to live in dorms with the rest of the idiots.

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