Fight or be forgotten!

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The Nomu runs after the two 'Y/N's' the little creatures jumping around and dodging the brutes attacks.

"Hahaha! Come on! Try harder big guy!" Y/N exclaimes as on copy jumps over the other

The Nomu ripping apart trees as it follows Y/N. Jumping to the side, both of the little creatures jump at each other and reform together to create a full Y/N, who immediately hides behind a tree. Y/N can hear the heavy steps of the Nomu, as it starts searching for him.

Not yet... Another step... Not yet... Still not close enough.... Another stomp... This should be it!

Jumping up extending his arms upwards into the tree pulling himself out of hiding onto the shoulders of the beast. With a crazed smile Y/N plants both his hands on two of the beasts 6 arms having them bubble up with blisters again and exploding another bunch of blood and bits of meat on him.

"Hahaha! Come on big guy! You didn't think this was all did you!?" Y/N exclaimes his face drenched in blood

The Nomu screeches reaching up for Y/N, trying to get him off. Immediately it starts to reform the set of destroyed arms. This wasn't going anywhere, so Y/N decided to try something different... Again reaching for the two reformed arms, Y/N thought about something different.

The Nomu starts to scream as bones can be heard shattering in a cacauphony of cracking. The two arms twisting around violently, being forced into a new from. Something Y/N hasn't tried on others before, it felt... Liberating. Having others feel the pain he had before his body adapted to his quirk fully. The arms creeping upwards connecting above the Nomus head, and the two chainsaws twisting and ripping downwards.

"Now Everytime, you try to use these two, you'll just be ripping yourself apart!" Y/N exclaimes jumping off with a wide smile

The beast turns around, staring down at the boy for a moment, then the chainsaws start moving, immediately ripping into the beasts shoulders, but only slightly, only hurting it, not cutting the shoulder off. Blood shooting everywhere.

"Not much of movement in those two arms huh!? Probably because that arch you have over your head is now one long bone! Hahaha!" Y/N laughes running towards the reaching forward with his hands

If the Nomu was set on regrowing destroyed limbs, Y/N would just cripple it to the point where is could do nothing, but also couldn't repair itself.

Before Y/N can touch the Nomu, he is stopped by a voice.

"To all students! We have Intel on the attack! Apparently the target of this attack is L/N and... A... Kacchan!" Mandalay's voice booms in Y/N's head, surprising him out of nowhere

The Nomu takes it's chances immediately, sending a hammer crashing on the side of Y/N's' head. Sending him to the ground.

It reaches up with on of its axe hands, bringing it down quickly. But where it was supposed to hit, Y/N splits again into two.

"So I'm a target?" The one copy questions

"Are you trying to kill me and Bakugo?" The other one asks jumping away from another attack

"Or is the plan something else?" Y/N asks the the two creatures form back together into him

Of course, the Nomu gave no answers. Only continuing it's relentless and now enraged attacks.

Bringing it's axe down yet again, Y/N steps to the side, laying his hand on this arm. Another pained scream of the Nomu, as the skin, flesh and bones of the Nomu peel away to the sides like a banana, sending another wave of blood onto Y/N.

Y/N was beginning to question, how buffed these things were. A normal person would have collapsed due to bloodloos a while ago. The grass and trees around are all drenched in blood.

(An Idle hero society) Bnha X Male Mahito Reader Where stories live. Discover now