Chapter 4

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I was awoken by loud banging on the door, but as soon as I wanted to stand up something was holding me. I looked at my left to be met with Calum? What the hell?

"DUDE!" I yelled before punching him in the gut.

"WHA-what was that!" He said while sitting straight.

"That wa-."

"WHO THE HELL BONKS ON SOMEBODIES DOOR AT SEVEN IN THE FUCKING MORNING?! GEEZ!" Mike yelled while storming of the stairs. Me and Cal waited silently for Mike while Luke and Kane came walking down the stairs too. I quickly got away from Hood and sat on the opposite side of the couch. Kane sat next to me and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Who's that at the door?" He muttered in my hair.

"Don't know man." I said, I looked over at Luke and Cal-which actually looked disappointed- for an answer but they just shrugged.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOW?!" We heard Mike yell from the front door. I instantly shot up and ran to the front door.

"What's going on?" I asked when I saw a couple of police officers standing at the door.

"Miss. it's extremely dangerous here, the black widows are searching for the five of you non-stop and we're receiving some pretty serious threat mails. Sow we actually want you to pack your bags and come with us right now." He finished of slowly, I looked at Mike and I guess he looked just as panicked as me.

"B-but what about our parents?" Luke suddenly asked in a panicked tone.

"It's better to not revolve them in this sir."

"But this isn't even our real house we've got nothing here!" Kane rushed.

"We'll take care of that then, but we want you to come with us right away." The tall man said in a stern voice.

"B-b-ut?" I stuttered.

"Miss. now."

"O-okay." I said suddenly feeling really small.

"We can't! This is bullshit! What is this a scene from some kind of bestseller?! No fucking way! I don't care about 'the Black Widows'! Fuck no!" Calum suddenly yelled from behind us.

"We must sir you're in very tricky waters." The officer pleaded.

"No my parents! I just moved here! Y-you're the police you should do something about this, not hide!" He cried out.

"We know that, but these people are extreme and very dangerous. You HAVE to come now! No discussions anymore otherwise we have to take you to the airport and I don't think you want that!" The other one suddenly yelled obviously losing his patience.

"N-no!" He stuttered out.

"Well if you want to take it that way, then fine." He muttered before a few bigger police officers came walking towards us. They grabbed Mike, Kane, Luke and Calum. They where about to grab me.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Calum suddenly hissed.

"Alright men, let the girl get in the car herself." What I assume the main officer said. I nodded and got in the black screened car with the boys. Minutes went by and everybody was dead silent.

"I-I d-don't like this." Luke muttered.

"Me neither. Where the hell are they taking us?" I whispered.

"To the airport, they're bringing you to the UK where you have to hide. The security there is massive!" The driver chuckled.

"Uuhm thanks." I muttered, I looked over at the boys (which where handcuffed) and they all looked very uncomfortable. I mean I couldn't blame them though, we're getting forced to leave our home town to just live in the UK like its nothing!

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