Chapter 11- Exchange and a Greeting

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I awake to the sound of my name from Levi's soft lips, and him lightly shaking my shoulders. I groan as I stretch sitting up, "Where are we, Leeevviiiii," I said cutely, fluttering my eyes due to the brightness of the artificial light.

"At the park as requested, we still have about fifteen minutes till noon," he said as I yawned and stood up from the bench I was on. Looking around I noticed there isn't much to do in the park. It wasn't the kind of park that had swings and slides, it was the kind with trails and trees. Seeing a particularly large tree that had long twisted branches that hung low and eerily, I ran over and sat down against the base. After me gesturing for him to sit down, he made his way over. "Tch, the ground is filthy and you expect me to sit my ass down on the filthy dirt?!" he stated in an agitated tone. But he lightened up as I replied with an 'mmfmm' type sound, as I was too groggy for words quite yet. He sighed sitting down hesitantly, he must have a serious clean issue though it's kind of cute, and I scooted closer resting my head on his shoulder. His body tensed, but soon relaxed as he placed an arm around my waist holding me to him.

We sat in silence for a few minutes just savoring my last peaceful moments in the underground. "You know," I began as Levi turned his gaze to me, "I don't even know how I fell for you. All I know is that I'm here now and that I love every bit of you. I love you so much Levi." I said barely aware of the words spilling from my mouth. I turned my head down, my (H/C) hair covering my (E/C) eyes.

Levi gently grabbed my chin, turning my head towards him, sweeping my bangs behind my ears calmly, and kissed me. I kissed back and he deepened the kiss, our lips moving together swiftly, we fit perfectly. As we parted he moved me so I was sitting in his lap and he rested his chin on my shoulder. "I love you too," he said quietly as he embraced me and began to whisper sweet nothings into my ear. We sweetly whispered back and forth between each other until a tall, dark haired guy entered the park and leaned against the water fountain.

I began to get up, instantly missing Levis warmth, and pointed to the guy who appeared to be in his early 20s, "That's Fakir, we should get going." We walked towards Fakir and as he noticed me I gave a smile as a greeting, he returned it then looked behind me kindly towards Levi. Seeing the slightly confused look on Fakirs face I began to explain, "It's nice to see you again Fakir. This is accomplice Levi," I said nodding to my side where Levi now stood.

"It's nice to meet you, as I'm sure you know I'm Fakir," he replied extending his hand, which Levi shook with a nod. Fakir smiled again before turning back towards me, "So on a more serious matter, you got the crystals?" he asked. I nodded and handed them to him, which he then slipped the crystals into his own bag with a chink and clack. "It's nice doing business with you," Fakir ended handing me the cash for the job. I took it and laced my left hand with Levi's right as I walked away from the park and towards the exit of the underground.

~20 minutes of walking later~

Levi turned to me and scanned me up and down as we continued walking, "You two don't seem that close," he said turning his gaze back towards the dusty path, a hint of disgust on his face. It never occurred to me before that he really hated this place. Once you get to know him his mask of an emotionless glare is easy to read, and behind his cold front he's sweet and kind. I can't help but wonder about his past as I answer his question.

"No we aren't. We are strictly business friends, but I probably should be more open with him. He's my best friend's other best friend. If that makes any sense..." I lost my train of thought at my nonsense and previous thoughts, but Levi just nodded understandingly. The rest of the walk to the stairs was spent in silence. Enjoying the small sights to see, such as kids playing or nature, and over all just enjoying each other's company. When we finally arrive at the stairs Levi flashes an ID with a set of blue and silver wings plastered on it towards the drunken guards, they nod and Levi begins to walk up the stairs stopping a few up. He gives me a look as if to say, coming? I turn back towards the underground, from here you can see a bird's eye view of the city, its dark and daunting but I've learned to love this shit hole and all the little beauties in it. I'll truly miss this place and maybe a handful of people in it, but I need to move on and start a new part of my life. With Levi, and I'm truly happy for everything, but most importantly I'm glad that I met him. As I turn towards the stairs and walk up the first few to meet Levi, I lace our fingers together with his grip reassuring me. With a tip of a hat from one of the guards, Levi and I walked hand in hand up the stairs towards the "surface", Levi's dark green cloak flowing behind us.

A love of Lies- Levi X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now