Chapter 14- Meet the Squad

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Levi and I followed Erwin through the castles and into a large banquet room. There was a long wooden table in the center of the room and another door on the side of the room, that I'm guessing leads to a kitchen. The squeak from the opening of the double doors leading into the room turned the gazes of the occupants towards us. As they saw Levi and the Commander they immediately stood up and saluted, though some gave me a curious glance from the side. I stood in between the two men, standing as straight as I could, as Erwin instructed everyone to line up in front of the table. "Listen up everyone," the Commander began, "This is (FULL/N), she's going to be training to join your squad and will be staying here during her training time. Please be nice to her and treat her with respect. Also-"

Levi cut in at that point, "Cadet (L/N) is from the underground so she knows how to handle herself, don't underestimate her and treat her accordingly. I will be training her so if you have anything to say about it, direct it towards me. Do I make myself clear," Levi concluded, scanning everyone's faces as they responded in unison with a 'Yes Sir'. "Good, now get used to her. I'll be in my office if anyone needs something," he finished. Erwin exited the room and everyone sat back down at the table to resume eating, except one girl with golden hair who went into the kitchen. Levi whispered into my ear to meet him in his office after dinner, sending a chill down my spine from his cool voice, then he left the banquet area. The girl returned with a bowl of soup and a spoon as I sat down, she placed it in front of me before returning to her seat which was positioned across from me.

She said in a cheery voice, "Hi, I'm Petra. It's nice to finally have another girl on the squad," grabbing my hands in hers from excitement. I smiled warmly at her and nodded as the others began to introduce themselves, each sharing a piece about them. Other than Petra who was the sweet one of the group, there was Gunther who was the rational one, Eld who was quiet but seemed strong, Oluo who in my mind seemed to try to mimic Levi and failing miserably, and Eren who claimed to be a titan shifter. I found this most curious and most of our talk whilst eating dinner was about getting to know everyone on the team along with stories from Eren about shifting and what it's like to be a titan. I found it a little frightening, but it mostly was intriguing and amazed me. As we were concluding dinner, a boisterous woman with brunette, red hair tied in a high ponytail waltz into the room practically yelling out about how excited she was to meet me, I learn her name was Hanji Zoe and that she was fascinated and kind of obsessed over titans. A while into our talk Eren asked her about her titan subjects, Sonny and Bean. This caused groans from everyone else at the table as Hanji burst into story mood. Not really wanting to hear the stories I followed everyone out of the room, only to realize that I'm supposed to meet Levi after dinner. I grabbed Petra's sleeve as she was walking away and she twirled around meeting me with a smile, "What's up?"

"I was just wondering which way Commander Levi's office is?" I asked hesitantly. She kindly gave me direction and a reassuring pat the shoulder before I took off towards his office. I wonder what he wants.

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