Chapter 19- Decision

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We made it back to the castle a little past the hour so saying goodbye to Levi I rushed to the commanders office. As I came upon the double doors I knocked three times and awaited an answer. Sure enough a few moments later came Erwin's voice saying, "Name and business." I opened the door and walked into his office shutting it behind me.

"(FULL/N), sir. I'm here for my results." I give him a smile and sit down in one of the plush chairs in front of his wooden desk.

Keeping a serious face he begins, "Okay so along with your results (F/N), I'd also like to talk about your statistics and placement. Ready to begin," he paused for second and I nodded eagerly telling him to continue, "I was watching you very closely during the test and I must say I'm very impressed, so to get this part out of the way you have passed the test with flying colors and are now a part of the survey corps." I let of a long sigh and smiled genuinely whilst thanking him. "Moving on to the next part, I was very surprised by your skills. Your handle and skills on the 3DMG far exceeds the average and even my abilities. As for your sword skills, during the test all of your slices hit the center of the nape with most of them being at least ¾ of the way into the fabric. That's extraordinary skills from someone who only had 6 months of training. In fact the only person I know with skills that can measure up is Levi himself. Now with all of that being said you have three options. You qualify for Levi, Hanji, and my squad so you have your pick. I'm already pretty sure what you'll choose, but just know that no one is forcing you to do anything. He'll get over it if you choose to join someone else's squad." He finished placing a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at him, "I'm sorry and I'm really graced by the offer, but I'm on pretty firm ground when I say that I'm joining squad Levi." I whole heartedly agreed with my decision and the set look on my face said it all.

Erwin gave me a small smile, "I knew you would pick his squad, but none the less I wish you luck. It's about time for dinner so we should begin heading down there. Oh, and the furniture for your room is still on back order. I honestly don't know what's taking them so long." I giggled at how his whole demeanor changed with his last statement, as I stood up and followed him out of his office and towards the dining hall. As we exited his office he quickly said, "That flower crown looks great on you." I blushed at his statement and hurriedly ran off to drop off the flower crown in Levi and I's room.

When we arrived, everyone was already inside and lined up as per Levi's order I'm guessing. Everyone saluted with our entrance and I stood next to Levi as Erwin made the big announcement. "At ease cadets. I'm very proud to announce, that cadet (L/N) is joining your squad as a full-fledged member of the corps." He said with a smile. I heard a high pitched 'squee' from Petra as she ran up to me and gulfed me in a hug. Her amount of force almost tackling me to the ground and failing but still succeeding in preventing me from breathing. As I let out a gasp she quickly let go and we both began laughing as I hugged her again. All the member of my squad except for Levi and Oluo, smiled at me warmly as we all took a seat at the large banquet table and began eating our dinner. I was congratulated multiple times and once dinner was concluded Levi and I attempted to leave, to be met by an over-excited Hanji who pulled me into a hug whilst holding Levi's jacket to prevent him from leaving.

"This calls for a celebratory game of Truth or Dare," she exclaimed with wide eyes. Pulling us back to our seats my only thought was oh god, what kind of shit are we getting ourselves into. By the glances Levi and I exchanged he seemed to be thinking the same thing.

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