Chapter 18- Pasts

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(Warning the feels may flow. Okay just wanted to sat that so Koku out!)

After the test Levi led me to the horse stables where he began to saddle up his horse. I gave him a questionable look before asking, "Where are we going Levi? Shouldn't we wait at the castle for Erwin's decision?"

Looking back at me he replied, "I think we both know what his decision will be, but I want to show you someplace. Saddle up and no more questions, brat." I giggled at his remark. Most people find his snappy remarks rude, but I find it adorable knowing he doesn't mean it, well most of the time he doesn't. I walk over to my horse, (H/N) (horse's name), and lead her out of the pen. I stroke her creamy fur as I saddle her up and mount her, riding her up to where Levi and his horse, Midnight, stood awaiting me. "Follow me," Levi said before lightly galloping away, I snapped my reins and followed after him. As we headed into a forest we came upon a narrow path, only big enough for one horse. Levi went into it first with me following behind. We rode at a constant pace for a good 20 minutes through the forest. It was really quiet as neither of us spoke, but I soon heard the calming sound of rushing water. I few minutes later Levi dismounted his horse and began to tie him up to a nearby tree a little ways off the path. I followed his lead, tying up (H/N).

Levi took my hand in his and began to lead me away from the path and towards the sound of the water. I stared at his back and focused on the beautiful sounds as he continued to lead me until he stopped causing me to look up. I gasped at the sight before me. There before us was a beautiful oasis, the trees opened up above us letting in a stream of bright afternoon light. A rushing waterfall fell from a cliff up above that was filled with sakura (cherry blossom) trees, causing the water in the pond below to be filled with sweet smelling pink petals. The meadow around the water fall was littered with tons of flowers of all kinds of colors. There were pinks, blues, teals, greens, yellows, ambers, crimsons, lilacs, maroons, whites, and a variety of others. I ran through the oasis, twirling around like a kid, as I sat at the edge of the pond. Levi came and sat next to me as I took off my boots and socks. I dipped my feet in the water as I leaned my head on Levi's shoulder. I swirled the cool water with my feet nimbly as I said, "It so beautiful, but why did you bring me here Levi?"

I turned my gaze towards him as he continued to stare at the water, "I brought you here because I wanted to talk to you without anyone else near us."

I nodded, "What did you want to talk about?"

He took a deep breathe, "I think it's time you learned about my past," I closed my eyes listening to his every word, "Before I became a member of the survey corps I lived in the underground as you know. My two friends, Isabel and Farlan, and I were notorious thugs. We did countless jobs and whatever we could to get money, regardless what it took. That included killing if necessary. At one point we even stole 3DMG from some military police who were chasing us. One day we got a job from an upstanding guy from the surface, the job was to retrieve a set of documents from the survey corps and to kill Erwin Smith. The man told us all about how in a few days the survey corps would track us down and allow us to join their ranks. We took the job after some investigation and sure enough a few days later they showed up and we were forced into the survey corps. We went through training and we were eventually put in the expedition. Erwin had the papers on him so we planned to steal them during the expedition. On the second day it started to rain and a heavy fog formed. Isabel, Farlan, and I got separated from our squad. We heard a sound flair from our squad and I decided to have them go back to the squad as I went to find Erwin. After they left I found titan tracks heading back towards the squad and fearing the worst I sped back to them. By the time I got there they were dead and seven titans surrounded their bodies. In a rage I killed all of them by myself and went after Erwin. Almost killing him, he convinced me to join the survey corps for real, and I truly did. That's how I got to where I am today, and that's also why Erwin and I are so close. But, it's my fault that those two are dead and I don't get close to people because I don't want to make that mistake again."

I looked up to find his face stained with tears and turning his head towards mine, I wiped away his tears with my thumbs whilst cupping his cheeks. He stared at me with wide eyes as I began, "It's okay, it's the past and I honestly could care less if you killed or not. As for loosing someone again, I can promise you that you won't lose me because I'm not going anywhere. And neither are you for that matter. Okay?" I smiled at him as he put his hands on my shoulders and kissed me. It wasn't like our normal one, it was still sweet but filled with more passion. As he pulled away he buried his head in the crook of my neck and composed himself as I embraced him. After a few minutes he finally looked up and wiped away his tears. I smiled at him warmly as he suddenly picked me up and twirled me around causing me to laugh along with him before he set me down, the both of us sprawling out as we lay among the flowers.

"I love you, (F/N)," he says taking my hand in his.

"And I love you too, Levi" I say back whole heartedly.

The rest of the time in the oasis was spent talking about our past and at one point he asked me what my favorite memory of my parents was. I thought for a while about this until I finally came up with an answer. I began to pick flowers and once I had quite a few I sat down in front of him and began weaving them together. "My best memory of my parents is of when my parents would take me out to the park for a picnic and my mom and I would pick tons of flowers as my dad set up the food. After we were done eating my mom and I would make flower crowns and show father. He would decide which one was better than he would wear it announcing to us that he was king." I smiled at the thought as I finished the crown. Levi looked at me happily as I set the crown upon his head. I giggled at the sight, "There. Perfect!" Levi gave me look that said 'really' as he tackled me to the ground in a tickling match which ultimately ended with him winning and me dying on the ground in a fit of laughter begging for mercy. As we stood up about to head back he placed the crown upon my head and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I smiled and gave the oasis one last glance before mounting our steeds and heading back to the headquarters.

A love of Lies- Levi X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now