Chapter 20- Truth or Dare

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Hanji had forced us to sit in a circle in the back of the banquet room. I sat next to Hanji, then Eren next to her, then Levi next to him, then Eld, then Gunther, then Oluo, and finally Petra was on my other side. Hanji set an empty beer bottle in the center of the circle then began to explain to rules, "Okay so it's simple, you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you ask a truth or dare to. Got it? Got it. I'm going first." Not even waiting for us to answer she quickly spun the bottle around. It spun around about four times before stopping in front of Eren. "Okay Eren. Oh, also there is no limit on the truth or dares so be as 'creative' as you want. With that being said Truth or Dare?"

Eren seemed a little rattled by what Hanji said, so he played and safe and answered, "Truth." Well at least he thought he played it safe.

"Okay hmm, what's a good one for you? Oh, I know! Eren if you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?" Acually depending on your answer this question isn't acually that bad.

Eren's face went into concentration mode, and he contemplated an answer for a while before answering, "I'd probably just walk around all day and flaunt my stuff and see if anyone did anything or noticed who I was." Gunther reached over and punched his shoulder, causing him to blush before spinning the bottle. "Okay so..." he said as the bottle slowed to a halt in front of Oluo, "Oluo Truth or Dare?"


Eren shot me a suggestive glance and I knew exactly where he was going with this. A few weeks back, Eren and I had figured out why Oluo pretended to act like Levi. It was because he had a major crush on Petra and for some reason he thought that she liked Levi. In fact the only thing Petra feels for Levi is admiration, she told me so herself and she's a terrible liar so I know she was telling the truth. I was relieved when I found this out because I thought she liked him too. Back to Eren, I shot him a 'don't you dare' look but he went and did it anyway. "Oluo I dare you to confess to the person you love right now. And since I feel like being nice I'll let you leave the room to do so."

Oluo stared at him in disbelief before he led Petra out of the room. A few minutes later they came back into the room smiling like a bunch of idiots, as they took their seats. Petra whispered to me how happy she was that he finally asked her out and I simply smiled at her. Oluo spun the bottle and of course it had to go and land on me. I let out a long breathe, damnit why me. "Truth or Dare (F/N)?"

"Obviously dare, I'm not a wimp like Eren." I said with a smirk. Earning a 'tch' from Levi and a 'Hey!' from Eren.

"Okay (F/N), I dare you to say one nice thing to every player."

"What kind of dare is that?!" Hanji practically screamed.

"She hates giving complements so it just fit and it was the only thing that came to mind so," Oluo argued back.

I gave a dramatic sigh and began my rather pathetic dare. It's not that I don't like giving complements it's that I find them hard to give when I grew up in a life where you see everything in a dark and pessimistic way. Although I must say I've stayed pretty optimistic throughout my life and I knew it was one of the things that Levi admired about me because whenever I would explain something I thought was pretty he would just stare at me in awe causing me to giggle. "Okay let's see, Petra your super sweet and best friend I could ask for, Oluo when you actually act like yourself your pretty nice treat Petra right or I'll personally have your head, Gunther your very rational and smart which makes you a great leader, Erd although your quiet you have a very strong personality which I admire, Levi although you can be hard on us I like to think that you do it for our own good so I thank you for that, Eren I find the fact that you can shift into a titan kind of cool, and Hanji even though you're a titan loving freak your incredibly smart and I love you for it." I concluded as Hanji engulfed me in a hug. Reaching out of her grasps I spun the bottle for it to land on said titan loving freak. "Oh, Hanji. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare and it better be good."

"Hanji I dare you to not talk about titans for the next week."

"WHHHAAAATTT SONNY BEAN!!!!" She screamed.

I clamped my hand on her mouth and gave her a swift hit in the back of the head. 'What the f' she began as I said, "You already lost the dare so that was punishment."

"Fine I'll get you back though." She spun the bottle and almost flipped her shit when it landed on Levi. "Yes, swift punishment. Okay Shorty, Truth or Dare?"

"Tch, Truth," he said whilst sipping his tea with that cute odd way he holds his tea cup. I'll have to ask him about that one day.

"Okay then," she gave me a snicker before turning back to Levi, "Do you have a crush on (F/N)?"

He practically spit out his tea before saying rather flustered, "I meant dare, fucking Shitty Glasses."

By now everyone was staring at him and a blushed worked its way onto my face. "Fine, I dare you to answer the question."

He gaze to 'tch' sound before standing up and lifting my chin with his hand, forcing me up. My blushed deepened as I felt all the eyes on me. Levi embraced me as he lifted my chin up higher. His warm breathe was on my face as he said, "No I don't have a crush on her, she's my damn girlfriend and has been since I brought her up here." He said as he passionately kissed me, I hesitantly kissed back and I heard multiple gasps. As I pulled away everyone stared at us before Levi said in a commanding tone, "Now enough with this stupid ass game, everyone get to bed, we have a full day of training tomorrow." Everyone held in their groans knowing it would earn them cleaning duty and rushed off to their rooms. The only ones left were Hanji, Levi, and I. Hanji quickly took my hands in hers practically screaming 'I knew it'.

"But, how..." I managed to get out as Levi began to gently guide me away from her and towards our room.

All I heard from her was "I have my ways," and her mouthing 'I want mini Levi (F/N) babies' as Levi dragged me into his room.

I was pushed against the wall as he roughly kissed me and began trailing his lips down my neck.

~I'll stop there and let you come up with the lemon/smut yourself. At this moment I do not wish to write that but in another book I may. So stay tuned. P.S. that was your first time. *wiggles eyebrows furiously then die laughing* Koku Out!~

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