Chapter 13- Negotiation

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(Hey guys I'm finally back. I'm so sorry I am having so much trouble with Wattpad right now. IT WON'T LET ME UPLOAD NEW CHAPTERS, UGHHH! So I found a way to do it and I'm back long story short. Anyways sorry for the wait and hope you enjoy the chapter. I also added a song to this, its the LeeLie Lullaby version of Reluctamt Heros, credit to them for the song. Hope you like it along with the chapter.♡ A-Chan luvs chu and out)

I wake on my own to hear a slight humming coming from Levi. His voice was sweet and I didn't want to disturb him, so I kept still as to not alert him of my presence. Looking around I noticed we were no longer in the city, but in a forest. The forest was filled with tall pine tree and small shrubs. Other than a few white lilies around there was only green and the brown of the worn in dirt path beneath us. Hooking on to the tune Levi was humming, it seemed familiar. I racked my brain for where I possibly could have heard it before, and as he came upon a certain part it struck me. Levi was humming the tune to Reluctant Heroes, one of the songs I'm used to hearing the kids sing. I sing the words in my mind...

~Sing for reluctant heroes
Oh, give me your strength
Our life is too short
Sing for reluctant heroes
I wanna be brave like you~

Our horse suddenly stumbles in a bump in the road, quickly regaining its composure, but still jostling us around. Levi stops humming and I pretend to just now be waking up, giving a believable yawn and stretch before setting my chin onto Levi's shoulder. "So you're finally awake?" he asked in a calm and slightly sweet tone. Yes, I mentally celebrate my victory, he believes I just now woke up!

I tilt my head so it lightly leans on his, "I guess so, but that bump could've woken anyone up!" The trees begin to become less dense and the sky suddenly opens up revealing a castle about a mile or less away. My eyes widen and I sit up looking at the marvelous sight. The castle was huge and made of grey stone, while a little crumbled, it was spotless. The windows shined and the gravel path was perfectly in line. Levi and I soon arrived at the castle and he tucked away his horse in the stables nearby. I was a little stiff from riding on the horse for so long and I had a slight limp for the first few steps, but by the time we made it to the front entrance it was gone.

As we entered I noticed how spotless clean the inside was, it must take a lot of effort to keep it this clean all the time and this just enforces my belief that Levi's a clean freak. My cute little clean freak. I chuckled at the thought. Levi turned to me and said in a too serious voice for my taste, "Before you can stay here, or even be in the survey corps, I have to talk with the Commander. His name is Erwin Smith, behave and this will go just fine. Oh, and only speak when spoken to, with a formal matter unless told otherwise. Got it." I nodded intently and follow Levi as he set off down the maze of corridors and stairs. I counted a right turn then left, up and left and right, but after a while I just gave up, my head swimming. On the way we ran into a few people and I got a few curious stares from them, but it doesn't really surprise me.
We finally arrive at big double doors on the top floor, which I presumed to be the door to the so called Erwin Smith's room or office. Levi knocked three times on the door to be met with a voice stating, "Name, and business," To my surprise Levi simply stated his name matter of factly and waltz into the room. I followed behind him, closing the door quietly.

I was surprised by the respectable, but friendly, aura the man in front of me emitted. Erwin was tall, with a broad and built stature, and bore blonde hair, overall I was a little intimidated by his presence. "It's nice to see you again Levi, and who is this you've brought back from the underground I presume," he said in a formal tone directing his gaze towards me.

I stood up straighter and said in the most confident voice I could muster, "I'm (FULL/N), sir." I gazed towards Levi and he gave me a slight nod.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. Please call me Erwin, there truly is no need to be so formal." I smiled and nodded, earning a grin from Erwin back. Erwin looked then to Levi and asked in a friendly tone that made it seem like their close friends, "So why exactly is it that you brought (F/N) up here, Levi" Maybe they are close friends. There's that feeling again that make me want to know more about his past.

Levi spoke in a surprisingly calm voice for his statement, "It's pretty damn obvious that I brought her up here to join the survey corps. I plan on putting her in my squad, as long as she meets the requirements for the special operation squad that is."

Erwin seemed unaffected by Levi's slightly rude comment, and considered his next statement carefully before speaking. "Her personality, from what I can gather, seems to fit perfectly into your squad which is a plus. But if you want her on your squad, and since you brought her up here, you have to be the one to fully train and teach her everything she needs to know. I'll assess her after 6 months of training, if those terms are fine with you of course." I was a little shocked at his statement, Levi must be of very high rank to have his own squad, and an even higher rank to be trusted by Erwin, the commander of this whole chiz, to fully teach a pupil. Jeez I can't wait to see him in action, flying through the air and slicing titan flesh. Levi simply nodded, and Erwin continued on with his statement, "Okay then. If you would follow me, let's go meet your soon to be squad and the people you'll be staying with at the headquarters." I stared at Erwin for a moment as he stood up from his desk, then I gave a friendly smile and nod before following him out, Levi by my side.

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