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February 3, 2023

Scarlett's POV

"Mom, for the last time, I'm leaving," I say as I pack my suitcase.

"Honey, I just don't think it's smart, chasing after this boy," she says.

"This boy is my boyfriend of almost four years. Why are you being like this? I'm about to be 26."

"Don't you think you should be getting a real job?"

"Merchandising coordinator is a 'real job,' Mom."

"What happened to that internship you had? I thought you liked it."

"At Uncle Terry's law firm? I only got it because I'm related to the lead attorney. Besides, being a lawyer wasn't for me."

I zip up my suitcase and grab my duffle bag.

"I'm moving in with Jackson in Savannah and that's final. This is a huge opportunity for me, especially if I want to start that business I've talked about."

"That's a child's dream."

"That dream is becoming reality. Jackson's excited for me, so are the others," I tell her.

I grab one of the boxes and move to my bathroom, my mother following me.

"Honey, think this through."

"I have. And I'm going. Jackson's really looking forward to this. So am I."

She sighs and walks out of my room. I know she means well, but this is the first time since college that I'll be living on my own. I finish packing my stuff in the bathroom and head back to my room. I pack the rest of the stuff I'm taking to Georgia and load everything into my truck. I head back inside and pack my backpack with stuff for the overnight stop I'm making tonight. I grab the last of my things and head back to my truck. My dad comes outside and I shut the passenger door.

"I'm not gonna try and talk you out of this. Your mother just wants you to succeed, that's all," he says.

"I know that, but she needs to understand that I'm not a child. And that I love Jackson."

"She doesn't want you to make any mistakes."

"I know."

He gives me a soft smile. He pulls me in for a hug and kisses my head.

"We are proud of you, honey."

"I know. I just wish Mom's behavior conveyed that."

"Give it time."

We pull apart and I get in my truck. I pull out of the driveway and leave my house in my rearview mirror. I drove for a few hours before Jackson called me.

"Hey, babe!"

"You on the road yet?"

"Yeah, I left a few hours ago."

"Good. I wasn't sure if your mom was gonna let you come down."

"It took some convincing but I got out alive."

"How long's the drive?"

"Fifteen hours. I'm stopping overnight in Richmond. I should get to the house tomorrow afternoon."

"Sounds good. I'll be at the field until noon."

"Alright. The sooner I get to this hotel, the better. I absolutely hate driving on highways."

"I know, but soon enough. Where are you now?"

"Just outside of Newark. Still got a ways to go."

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