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*March 28th,2021*

"You still haven't told me why you were crying yesterday",said Austin."I said it's nothing.Can you just drop it?Geez.It's not a big deal",I said, rolling my eyes ."I'm just worried about you.You're my girlfriend and I have a right to be worried",said Austin."If there was something wrong I would tell..",before I finished,I got up and ran to the bathroom and started puking.Austin came behind me and held my hair."Are you okay,Tori?",asked Austin,worry clear in his eyes."Yeah",I replied,before puking again."Maybe I should take you to the hospital",said Austin."No,I'm okay.You don't have to do that.It's just something I ate",I said."If you say so but if it gets worse I'm taking you to the hospital",said Austin,before helping me up."Austin,can I ask you something?",I asked."Sure", replied Austin."Do you want kids one day?",I asked."Yeah,I would love to", replied Austin."What would you do if I was pregnant?",I asked, feeling nervous."I would be happy.Why are you asking me this?",asked Austin,while I took the pregnancy test and showed it to him."I'm pregnant",I said,giving it to him."What? You're...",said Austin, looking at me,while I nodded."Oh my God.This is the best day of my life",said Austin, picking me up and spinning me around."Put me down,Austin",I said,through laughs."I'm so happy right now.Is this why you were crying?",asked Austin."Yeah..I kept overthinking.I thought that I wouldn't be a great mom or you would leave me because you're not ready to be a dad",I said,looking away."Hey,listen to me.I am never leaving you okay?I'm gonna be here every step of the way and you're gonna be an amazing mom",said Austin, moving my face to him before kissing me.I returned the kiss."I love you",said Austin."I love you too",I said,kissing him again.One thing led to another until we were in a heated make out session.

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