Chapter 7

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Soooooo sorry guys. the reason as to why i didnt update in a while was cause i went on vacation and i didnt have internet connection for the whole time i was yea.. and then my wattpad decided to be poopy and delete one of my chapters (aka this one) so i had to re- write it...but now im back and here to stay and i hope you enjoy this chapter.


Aiden's P.O.V.


I did it. I finally did it. I finally kissed her, after all these years my dream came true and I wouldn't let anything come and ruin it. I looked at her and bit my lip before responding.

"Hey, do you wanna go somewhere more private?" I ask her. She nodded in response. We both stood up shakily and began to walk towards the stairs when i feel as if I'm being watched. I turn my head and lock eyes with that dude Josh. He seemed to be glaring at me and I only smirk. I quickly pull Rachel over to me and plant a big ol' kiss on her lips, making sure to keep eye contact with him. This ought to make him mad. 

He began to walk over to us and I gently push Rachel away. He roughly shoves me and I stumble backwards. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" He screams at me and catches almost everybody's attention. "Who the hell gave your shitty ass permission to kiss her?"

I chuckle slightly and glare at him. "I did. and you can't do nothing about. Face it, Rachel is mine and you can't do shit." Once I said this, i swear, the dude was turning red and looked like he was about to explode. "What's wrong, got nothing to say with that crusty mouth of yours? That's probably why no girl would ever want to kiss you."

"What the absolute fuck did you just say to me, you little shithead?"

"I said that no girl would kiss you becau-" My sentence was cut off by a fist colliding with my jaw making me fall backwards. I spit out a bit of blood and glare up at him. "Oh, you're a tough guy aren't yah?" I quickly get up and return the favor causing him to stumble backwards, thinking that it would give me a few seconds to walk away. But instead, he rushed towards me and punched my gut. I tried to take another swing at him but missed. Although i did give him 3 scratches on his face causing him to start to bleed. He hissed and punched me in the eye, once more making me fall to the ground. I decided to just give up...for now.


Josh's P.O.V.


I quickly exit the house, dragging Rachel along with me. She was drunk out of her mind and she only had a few drinks. She probably couldn't hold her alcohol well and I doubt she was gonna remember tonight. I walk towards my car and set her down gently in the seat. I get in my own and turn the vehicle on, beginning to drive away. 

*Le Magical time skip cause im lazy* 

When I reach her building, she is already fast asleep. I park the car, turn the engine off, and carefully take Rachel out. I walk in, get in the elevator and then stop in front of her apartment door. I realize something. It's locked and Rachel is the only one that has it. the last place she put it was her...back pocket.

If she was awake she would kill me for this.. I think as I go into her pocket and retrieve the keys. I enter the apartment and set her down on her bed. I sit on the floor and watch her for a bit but decided to try to find something else to do since I deemed that as creepy. I looked around for a few minutes before finding some paper and pencil and try to draw the sleeping in front of me. I finished about an hour later but slowly drift asleep.

*Another time skip cause why not* 

Rachel's P.O.V.

From the moment I opened my eyes, I got a massive headache. I quickly shut them, trying to block out all light even though I knew I couldn't. What a fantastic way to start a morning.. But I decided to just live up to the pain and get out of bed but I froze upon hearing some shuffling coming from the ground below. I peered over the side of my bed and my eyes widened.

"J-Josh..?" He jumped up and looked over me with a dmile.

"Good morning Rachel." He replied with a yawn. He was surrounded by crumpled up papers and was in the same clothes as the night before.

"What are you doing here? And what happened to your cheek?"

"Well someone had to take you home, plus I wasn't drunk and don't worry about my cheek. It was just some angry cat.."

I cringe and shake my head. "You've got to be more careful you know.." I look down and grab a paper that wasn't completely crumpled up and looked at it. I gasped. This "Josh did you draw this?"

He nodded and smiled. "Do you like it?"

"I love it..since when can you draw?"

"Then it's yours and for a long time actually. I used to do it a lot but nowadays I do it occasionally when im really bored."

"Thanks and that's cool."

"Now you missy, are gonna go shower and do your girly stuff while I make breakfast, okay?"

I laugh and get out of bed. "Alright, whatever you say. Just don't burn down the kitchen." He chuckles a bit before heading to the kitchen and I, heading to the shower.


There. a new chapter...finally..but whatever hope you enjoyed it, mkay bai my little InSaNe OnEs X3

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