19) One day I'll be the oldest

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"Morning princess" Isaac said, his soft vouce waking me up " Its 12 already"

It was a chill Saturday morning, my eyes flutterd open as Issacs face was above mine, a big smile across his face. I still remembered last night vividly

"I didnt wabt to wake you up so i did all your chores while you were asleep" He smiled down at me.

"Aw thank you" I said planting a kiss on his cheek

I sat up on the bed. He was wearing a black hoodie and a leather jacket on top with a silver pearl neckless. He had some dark blue jeans on. He flipped his messy hair back, gazing at me as i leaned in for another kiss. His cologne smelled heavenly and his lips were soft. His hair was out of his face for once.

"That your outfit for the party?" I asked.

"yup" He said proudly

"Im gunna go get ready, pick an outfit for me." i said walking out of the room


i walked out the bathroom in my pj shorts and bra. I stepped into my room as an outfit was layed out for me.

He picked out my black jeans and sweater and my white puffer jacket alond with a silver neckless with a heart locket that ddint seem familiar to me. I picked the neckless up delicatly while glacing at him.

Whats this?" I asked

"Open it up" He said, very pleased with himself

Inside was two pictures of us together one of us on the couch snuggling looking at my phone probably taken by Lee and another one of him picking me up and spinning me around probably taken by Ella or Josh. I ran up to him and hugged him tight as he kissed my forehead.

"Go get changed" He whispered

I stepping back into the room after changing and picked out a few bracelets and a pair of earings. Issac was on his bed playing video games.

"So when are we leaving?" I asked

"Soon" He said smiling mischievously.

I tilted my head, with a confused look on my face.

He stood up with a smug smile on his face and grabbed my hand and brought me down stairs and behind the shed outside. Nathan was also therr mischievously waiting as well.

"What are we doing here?" I scowled.

"Coles gunna get in the car later and we'll hop in as well" He hastily whispered back.

He was right cole did come as we all crept up on the car. Issac ran for the front seat as Nathan and i went for the second row.

"No guys no... Find another ride" Cole glowerd.

"Come on Cole its Z's first party" Isaac Begged

"Yeah come on Cole and I'll tell Jackie you did this for me" I said with a smirk

Cole scoffed but i saw a small smile in the mirror

"Come on "Nathan begged "Things are just getting good with Skyler and Yesterday i wasnt acting cool-"

"Alright fine." He said about to start the car.

That was when Alex, jackie, Lee and (Ik in the show he wasnt but why not) Danny showed up.

Cole sighed "Come on dont yall have friends"

"Why would we need friends when we gave such a good brother like you?" Dannysaid Smugly

Alex gestured for me and Nathan to move back As we crawled to the back seat. Danny gestured to Isaac to move back.

Come on bro just once" Isaac begged

"you know the rules "Danny sighed "Go to the back."

"One day Ill be the oldest "Said Isaac struggling to the back" And you all" He said while accidentally kicking cole at the back of his head "Can bite me"

I giggled as Alex said" You wont be the oldest Thats not how age works"

I laughed as Isaac plopped down next to me "Shut the hell up" He complained

He wrapped his arms across my sholder. Lee who was in front of us gagged at Alex and Jackie kissing. I swatted alex at the baxk of his head as him and jackie broke apart. I fist bumped Lee as the car started

The love of my life - Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now