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THERE'S A MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE when you find yourself standing at the crossroads of heartache and resilience, where the bitter winds of loss brush against the edges of your soul. For Charis, burdened by the weight of a life etched in tragedy, that moment was now.

Charis, cognizant that she wasn't the issue in this situation, often found herself grappling with a sense of self-blame—a common phenomenon for those experiencing emotional distress. Despite refraining from embracing the identity of a victim, she couldn't escape the nagging thought that somehow, it circled back to her.

Why had Cole kissed her amidst the stables, an occurrence she had dreamt of frequently, only to proceed to have a seemingly perfect day and then stand her up the following morning? Less than 24 hours had passed, and he was already giving her the cold shoulder.

While she pondered the possibility that her emotional outpouring might have triggered a sense of pity in Cole, she refused to allow herself to be mistreated. Even if she found herself on the perceived wrong side of the situation, Charis was determined not to accept mistreatment.

So Charis returned promptly after Cole stood her up. Initially, she blamed herself, reasoning that when she had been on her way and if she had changed her plans then she would have called to cancel. However, Cole's continued silence, coupled with a text from Dylan inquiring about the Lake House, left her increasingly frustrated.

At lunch with her family, Charis opened up about the idea of raising a foal. Austin's friend had a mare that birthed a colt but unfortunately passed away soon after, and Austin, inspired by the notion, left to make arrangements. Marilyn, initially skeptical of the sudden change of heart, suspected it might be connected to a certain blonde boy.

As the day progressed, Cole remained unresponsive, leaving Charis to go to bed feeling more annoyed with him than with herself.

The following morning, she, an early riser, took a shower and sought solace in the stables, which would gradually become her haven. The name "Malory" on the gate stirred emotions, serving as a reminder of her departed horse. Contemplating the placement of the foal in the adjacent stable, she returned indoors.

Charis brewed coffee for herself and the rest of the family as they prepared for the day. Despite thoughts of the Lake House lingering, her focus shifted to the immediate challenge: giving the cold shoulder to Cole. The only viable candidate for a ride to the lake house was the seemingly childish blonde boy who was currently ignoring her.

Dressed for school, Charis and her sister set off for the day. Arriving at the school, she stepped out of the car to let her sister park, and she made her way inside. With ten minutes left before class, she decided to quickly visit the restroom.

However, just as she entered, her phone pinged. She opened the bathroom door with her other hand, and to her surprise, she found herself in the men's bathroom. Dylan and a jock who were engaged in conversation and playing catch laughed at the unexpected sight.

"Sorry," Charis gasped, immediately looking up and realizing her mistake.

"No worries," Dylan replied with a smile.

Despite her embarrassment, she composed herself, backed out, and stepped outside. She couldn't help but notice a few curious looks from onlookers, anticipating the possibility of rumors starting.

Unaware of the unfolding scene, Cole and Danny approached from the opposite direction. Charis focused on reaching the women's bathroom, conveniently located next to the men's. Cole, observing the situation without context, assumed the worst as Dylan exited the bathroom right after Charis.

Jackie noticed Charis and approached her, receiving a warm smile in return.

"Are you feeling better?" Jackie asked genuinely.

THE WEIGHT OF DREAMS, Cole Walter ✓Where stories live. Discover now