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CHARIS EMPLOYED HER PERSUASIVE SKILLS to convince her family to leave her at Cole's house. The entire journey involved a combination of pleading with her father and enduring Marilyn's sassy remarks about the "interesting" prospect of leaving the two of them alone.

After persistent efforts, Austin Duncan relented and drove his youngest daughter to the Walter residence. Unbeknownst to him, Cole was grounded, but that detail could wait until later.

Charis felt a tinge of nervousness, although she was reluctant to admit it. Cole had the power to make her giddy and excited, but recent events had also shown that he could make her feel terrible. However, he had promised never to hurt her again, and Charis was determined to give him the chance to prove himself. She was aware that Cole had hosted girls at his place before, but what she didn't know was that he was genuinely looking forward to spending time with her, eager to ensure she had nothing but a good time.

Charis patiently waited for her family's car to drive away before ascending the porch steps toward Cole's house. As she raised her hand to knock on the door, it creaked open slightly, revealing Cole on the other side. His captivating green eyes met hers, and with a mischievous glance, he reached for her belt loop and spun her around, a move reminiscent of the iconic scene from "Sixteen Candles." Charis burst into laughter, caught off guard by the unexpected but amusing gesture.

"Sixteen Candles, really?" she exclaimed between laughs.

"But it worked, didn't it?" Cole replied with a playful smirk.

Charis couldn't help but smile widely—a rare sight for her—as Cole responded with a warm smile of his own. He wanted this evening to bring her some peace after a challenging day, given both the recent events and their personal dynamics. Cole had envisioned a night of making food together, watching movies, and engaging in conversation. However, he was careful not to appear inconsiderate, mindful of the significance of Charis's brother's death anniversary.

"Cowboy, what've you got in store for me?" she teased.

"Whatever you want, cowgirl," he replied, meeting her playful tone.

Coled suggested making waffles, pancakes, or anything else, but Charis hesitated and tensed, showing a disinterest in food. Cole picked up on this shift in her mood. Movies, however, seemed like a good idea to her, and she expressed curiosity about his choices for the evening.

"If you want, we can make some food, but I already ate before I came over. I'm curious about what you've chosen for the movie," she informed him.

"Depends on what genre you want. I know you've seen, like, every movie ever made, so it's been a hard decision," he admitted, his hand gently snaking around her. He felt a certain nervousness around her, even though he wouldn't readily admit it.

"I don't care if I've seen it. It doesn't matter. We're gonna watch a few anyway," Charis responded, gazing into his eyes. The evening was unfolding, and Cole hoped it would bring them both comfort and connection.

The brief silence hung in the air, a comfortable tension between them. They exchanged careful glances, both wary of making the wrong move. Yet, a mutual understanding passed between them, and they found themselves melting into each other's embrace, sharing a tender kiss.

Cole decided to make some popcorn before leading them to the couch, ensuring both were comfortable under a cozy blanket. Charis wished she had opted for more comfortable attire than jeans, but she didn't mind too much. She leaned into him, feeling his arm wrap around her shoulder as they settled into the couch. The movie began, and to Charis's surprise, the title flashed: Dead Poets Society. She turned to him with an incredulous expression.

THE WEIGHT OF DREAMS, Cole Walter ✓Where stories live. Discover now