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CHARIS AWOKE TO THE SOFT RUSTLE OF THE HAY BENATH HER, the scent of earth mingling with the sweet aroma of freshly cut grass. Blinking against the dim light filtering through the wooden slats of the stall, she pushed herself upright, feeling the prickly strands of hay against her skin.

Confusion swept over her as she took in her surroundings. Where was she? How had she ended up here, lying in a horse stall? The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in her own bed, the weight of exhaustion pulling her into the depths of slumber.

But now, she found herself in familiar territory, surrounded by the comforting presence of equine companions. With a sense of determination, she rose to her feet, her movements sluggish from sleep. As she glanced around, she noticed the disarray of the stall—the scattered hay, the dirt-streaked walls.

Without hesitation, Charis set to work, her hands moving with practiced ease as she gathered the loose hay into neat piles and swept the dirt from the floor. There was a rhythm to the task, a sense of purpose that grounded her in the present moment. As she worked, her mind began to wander, drifting back to memories long forgotten. She remembered the days spent there, the endless hours she had spent riding through the fields, the wind whipping through her hair.

And then, as if summoned by her thoughts, she saw it—a majestic horse standing in the corner of the stall, its coat gleaming in the dim light. Charis approached cautiously, her heart racing with anticipation.

The horse regarded her with curious eyes, its gaze steady and unwavering. There was a sense of recognition in those depths, as if it had been waiting for her all along.

Without a second thought, Charis reached out a hand, feeling the warmth of the horse's flank beneath her touch. And then, in a swift and fluid motion, she swung herself onto its back, feeling the familiar thrill of freedom coursing through her veins. With a gentle nudge of her heels, Charis urged the horse forward, and together they burst out of the stall, galloping across the meadow with wild abandon. The wind whipped at her face, her hair streaming out behind her like a banner of defiance.

In that moment, Charis felt alive, more alive than she had ever felt before. She rode with the wind at her back, her arms outstretched, her heart soaring with joy.

And as they rode, Charis felt a sense of transformation sweeping over her. Her body felt whole and unbroken, her spirit unburdened by the weight of the past. It was as if the horse beneath her had unlocked something deep within her soul, something she had thought lost forever.

As they reached the crest of a hill, Charis saw it—a familiar house nestled in the valley below. And there, sitting astride a golden horse, was a boy with hair as bright as the sun. Charis's heart leaped with recognition, and without hesitation, she urged her horse onward, racing towards the boy with a sense of purpose that bordered on desperation.

And then, in the blink of an eye, they were together, riding side by side, their hands clasped tight, their hearts beating as one. But even as Charis reveled in the joy of the moment, she knew that it was fleeting, that soon she would have to awaken from this dream and return to the harsh reality of the world.

But for now, in this fleeting moment of bliss, she allowed herself to believe that anything was possible—that dreams could come true, if only for a little while longer.

Charis awoke with a start, her heart racing as she blinked away the remnants of her dream. The scorching sun that had filled her subconscious was a stark contrast to the chilly winter morning unfolding outside her window. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light filtering through the curtains, she realized she wasn't alone. There, beside her in bed, lay the boy with hair as bright as the sun from her dreams. A smile tugged at her lips. For the first time in what felt like ages, she had enjoyed a peaceful night's sleep without the usual tossing and turning.

THE WEIGHT OF DREAMS, Cole Walter ✓Where stories live. Discover now