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Mr.Alsina POV

I had stayed in the office late nights ever since Lira got out of the hospital. I couldn't go home. I had to wait until she came to the office. She would have to see me so she could get into her office.

I sighed and sat back in my chair. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 7:55. Ugh. Standing up from the chair I grabbed my phone and walked out of the door. After I locked up the building I was walking over to my car when I saw a man and a woman But the woman.. She looked so familiar. She finally turned all the way around and I noticed it was Lira.

The man was holding her mouth keeping her from screaming. He ripped her button down shirt open and attempted to undo her bra. Running over to them I punched him in his face. I looked over to Lira and there was blood running down her leg. Her lip was busted. I kicked the man in his stomach repeatedly before grabbing him by his shirt.

"Ya like raping people? Huh?"

His eyes drooped and his head hung low. He finally shook his head nodding yes. He smirked. I punched him in his mouth.

"Ya lucky I'a got a reputation on tha' line. Otherwise I woulda beat ya ass. But I'll let the cops handle ya." I dropped him and took out my phone calling the police.

After hanging up with the operator I looked over at lira as she sat quiet with tears rolling down her face. I sat down along with her on the ground. I pulled her on my lap and she cried into my shirt.

"Lira." she kept her head low.

"Look at me." I said with a stern voice.

"You gon' be aight okay? I got you."

She gave me a soft smile. The police finally came and arrested him. They wanted to take Lira in for questioning, but she didn't want to. When they left I carried her upstairs to my office.

"Stay here I'll be back." I left going to get the first-aid kit.

Lira P.O.V.

I didn't want to go with the paramedics. I didn't want to be a rape victim again. I didn't wanna sound like and old played out record to the police and everybody else telling my stories over and over. I felt safer when I was with Mr.Alsina. He'd protect me.

"Stay here I'll be back." he said as he left the room. I was sitting on his mahogany desk. I ran my hand along the desk.

He finally came back with the kit. He grabbed the alcohol and rubbed the blood off my leg. My knee was also scrapped from when I fell. He cleaned my knee making me flinch.


"It's okay." He gave me a band-aid and kissed my knee.

I gave him a strange look and he chuckled. He grabbed the shirt and the pants he brought along with him.

"You can change in the bathroom. These are some old clothes I had here."

I nodded my head before making my way to the bathroom. I cleaned up my leg. Before putting on my pants I realized I didn't bring my purse which held an extra pair of panties. I always have extra in my purse.

I peeped out of the bathroom door looking for Mr.Alsina. He was on the phone walking out of his office.

"Yea man. I'a feel so fuckin bad. She ain't deserve what that man almost did to her."

He was quiet before speaking again.

"It's all my fuckin fault. Them niggas was tryna' get back at me so they got to her."

I closed the door not wanting to listen to him talk anymore. My back slid down the door making me sit on my butt. I silently cried before hearing a knock on the door. Wiping my tears, I stood up and opened the door.


"I wanted to check on you. Make sure you were alright."

"Yes. I'm fine. I left my purse in my car though. Could you bring it to me? Here are the keys." I handed him the keys and he nodded.

I locked the door again and slid down the door. I looked around for my phone but I couldn't find it. There was another knock at the door. I tried to peek out but I was pushed back by the door causing me to hit my head.

My vision became blurry and I heard unfamiliar voices. Someone picked me up bridal style but before I could utter a word everything went black.
Sorry this update was late😕. Sorta had writers-block.

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