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Lira P.O.V
I woke up to bright lights shining in my eyes and a terrible headache which caused me to groan loudly.

" Thank god your alright " A deep but rough voice spoke from beside me

I turned my head to the left to be greeted with some dark brown orbs. I gulped instantly knowing who those sharp brown eyes belong to.

" Mr.Alsina what's going on? " I asked trying to remember what happened and why exactly I was in here.

" Lira you don't remember what happened? " Mr.Alsina asked looking at me with concern laced in his voice

" No why what happened "

" You caught me- " he was cut off in the middle of his sentence by the door swinging open and I buff guy with a clipboard and white coat on walked through the door.

" Ah Ms.Williams how are you feeling today " the doctor asked while looking though the papers on the clipboard.

" Good I guess " I answered shrugging my shoulders

" Well you had a panic attack and hit your head, but don't worry you only have a concussion and that's it, all you have to do is sign these paper and your free to go. " He explained handing my the clipboard and a black pen.

I signed my signature on the line and handed the doctor back his pen.

" You can go at anytime you please Ms.Williams " the doctor smiled while exiting the room.

" What I was saying " Mr.Alsina tried to continue but got cut off again by my cracked voice

" Just don't " I said standing up, getting my clothes from the chair next to the bed and heading to the bathroom


Exiting the bathroom with my work attire I grab my purse and cell phone from the bedside and walked towards the door.

" Lira I drove you here " Mr.Alsina said from behind me.

" I'll take a cab back to the headquarters " I said twisting the knob.

I listened to my heel clak on the marble tile of the hostipal floor. I approach a elevator pressing the down arrow and patiently waited for the doors to open.

" Lira please wait I wouldn't mind driving you back to work " Mr.Alsina ranted on breathing heavily.

I bit my lip debating on weather I should except or deny his offer.

" Don't bite your lip it turns me on " Mr.Alsina whispered through gritted teeth

It felt as if we were staring in each other's eyes forever. We were knocked out of our trace by the elevator doors opening . We both stepped into the elevator and faced the door without making eye contact. I stared at my feet the whole way down afraid of what I would see if I lifted my head.

The elevator doors opened and we both stepped out

" Do you want me to take you or will you catch a cab? " Mr.Alsina asked me

" Can you take me please " I whispered

We got into his black Mustang and pulled out of the parking lot.


" Thank you Mr.Alsina " I said politely closing the door to his car

" No problem " he replied smirking

I walked across the parking garage to my 2015 Toyota and got inside driving off the my apartment

When I got to my apartment, before I went upstairs I checked my mailbox and collected all the mail inside.

Kicking the door shut I placed all the mail on the counter but one of them fell on the floor and it certainly caught my eye. It was pink and had rainbow stickers and glitter glue all over the envelope and in the front it said a name that brought the biggest smile to my face


I opened the envelope and it was a card with my little pony on the front. I chuckled and open the card it read:

Dear Mommy,
I have a big surprise for you very soon

I gave the letter a confused look but I bright smile. Putting it away in my nightstand upstairs and quickly got into some comfortable sweats and a black camisole. Feeling really lazy I just described to order some pizza. I grabbed my laptop and went on Papa Johns website. I placed my order and decided to watch some tv until my pizza came. Scrolling through the channels I found The Real Husbands of Hollywood. 45 minutes into my marathon the doorbell rang I quickly stood up and grabbed the money off the counter.

" $12.34 ma'am " the delivery man said reading the receipt

" Here you go " I said handing him a $20 bill and grabbing the pizza " You can keep the change "

" Thank you ma'am " he said walking down the hall back to the elevator

I kicked the door shut and placed everything down on the table. Before I ate I went to get me a Pepsi and said grace.

A knocked on the door a few minutes later made my eyebrows frown.

Who could that be?

I opened the door and gasped loudly covering my mouth with my hand

" Can I have some pizza too mommy? "

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