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No one's POV:

Outside on the day of the fireworks there is a pinkette and a blondie sitting under a tree waiting for the fireworks to start. Akaza-dono~ lay down it'll be easier to watch the fireworks without craning your neck~! The blondie says

Akaza's POV: 

Um, okay... WHAT IS HE DOING! I really hope he doesn't think this is a date, or I'll never look past this day without embarrassment. He looks really pretty though, AUGH Akaza don't think about him like this! But he does have a very pretty platinum hair color.. Stop this Akaza... 

When are the fireworks going to start? I say to get my mind of whatever it was thinking about Douma. Ah the fireworks~! He paused for a moment. I think he was looking at me earlier and why does he look so.. Dreamy? Oh NO HE LIKES ME! I don't what I'm suppose to do I'm always so awkward in love situations. Wait Akaza don't think about this you are NOT going to fall in love with him.. Am I? I don't know anymore, he does look nice...AUGH stop this brain, you only love Koyuki! I don't know~! He says cheerfully.

 WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW? WAIT WHAT IF YOU GOT THE WRONG DAY?! I can't help but feel bad when I saw him look hurt. You know what get away from me Douma! I HATE YOU! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? I DON'T LIKE YOU! YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND ME! YOU ARE AN EMOTIONLESS FREAK! I don't know why I yelled at him but now I feel even worse seeing him cry. Wait but isn't he emotionless? He's either really good at faking or this is actually him showing emotions.

Douma's POV: 

YOU ARE AN EMOTIONLESS FREAK! I don't know why but I started feeling water come out of my eyes and I felt again that awful feeling in my heart. Okay Akaza-dono... 

If that is what makes Akaza-dono happy then I will stay away from him. I'm sorry Akaza-dono. I rushed to find Daki I needed her to explain this feeling I have. It was painful but whenever he doesn't yell at me or punch my head off I feel this nice feeling in my heart. I don't understand...just like what Akaza-dono said.


I hope to write better in the future but for now I'll leave it here and continue later 

(word count 400) Thank you to those who are still reading! <3 

I will most likely post a chapter each day and maybe sometimes 2 chapters.

Have a good day demons! <3 

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