Chapter 17: You're what?

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"I'm pregnant."

He doesn't react. He just sits there. I can't read his expression right now. I don't know if he's mad, shocked, sad, or whatever.

"Um, are you gonna say something?" I ask.

"It's Gale's right?" He asks angrily. That's not good.

"Well I don't know, it could be one of the many guys I've cheated on you with. " I say sarcastically.

"Are you seriously joking around right now Katniss? Is this a joke to you?" He yells.

Is he fucking serious?

"You think I think this is a joke? If you do I swear you're stupid or something! He raped me Peeta! Over and over again. And he hit me over and over again. I was suffering with every breath I took. I was going to kill myself, but no, instead I held on to the hope that maybe one day you'd find me. And you did. Look, if you hate me now then fine, I'll find someway to manage. If you want me out of your life Peeta I'll go. Just say the word and I'm gone."

"God Kat, no! That isn't what I want. I want you in my life forever, I do! I'm sorry, it's just, how'd you expect me to react? You think I would have been happy about that baby? Just accept this all with open arms?"

"No, but I sure as hell wasn't expecting this. I thought you'd be a little nicer about this situation. It's not like I planned or wanted this." I said.

"You want me to be nice about this? Okay, I'll be nice. Oh Katniss I'm so happy you're carrying another mans baby. Don't worry about anything, I'll take care of both of you, even though that child will just remind me of everything bad that's happened to you."

Wow. Ok you know what? I'm fixing this situation right now.

"Fine." I say calmly. "You win."

I walk out of the room and down into the kitchen where Annie and Jo are sitting.

I grab the phone and call the hospital.

"Hello, District 4 Hospital, Maya speaking."

"Yeah hi. I need to make an appointment."

"Okay. For what exactly."

"An abortion." I say. Annie and Jo turn their heads toward me.

"Alright. And your name please?"

"Katniss Everdeen."

"Okay, your appointment is at 4pm with Dr. Lockwood."

"Thank you. Goodbye."

I slam the phone on the counter and look at the clock. It's 3:35 so I might as well start walking.

Just before I leave out the door there's three people calling me name.

I don't stop for them. I just keep on walking. If Peeta hates my baby so much then I know what I have to do.

"Katniss, wait!" Johanna yells. Hell no. I cannot talk to them right now.

Suddenly someone grabs my arm and turns me around. It was Annie.

"What!? What do want?"

"Katniss, talk to us. Please." She begs.

"There's nothing to talk about." I say.

"Why are you getting an abortion?" Jo asks.

I glare at Peeta. "Ask him."

I turn around and start to walk when Annie grabs me again. That's getting really annoying now.

I almost laugh because Jo looks like she's gonna murder Peeta and he looks kind of scared. I would've laughed, but it's not the right time.

"What did you do?" She yells at him.

"It doesn't matter Johanna! Okay? I'm getting rid of this baby and that's final."
I say to her.

"Katniss, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that. I was just surprised and angry at myself for losing you. Please don't go. We'll talk this out." Peeta says to me.

I don't know what to do. A part of me thinks that he will never fully accept this baby, but another part is thinking what if he does? What if what he said was out of anger only, and not the truth.

"Okay, we can talk." I say tiredly. Why can't this day just end already?

We go back to our room and sit quite a distance away from each other.

"Kat, I really am sorry about what I said. If you do decide to keep this baby then that is completely fine with me. I'll raise he or she as my own. They're a part of you and I love everything about you. It may be hard at times but we'll get through it. We always do. I love you Katniss. I always have and I always will."

"Despite who the father is, I actually would like to keep this baby. She's innocent in all this. I am sorry that our first child won't be yours biologically, but she will have two parents that will love her and that's all I can hope for. I wish all of this never happened and we had a baby when we were ready, but this is how life played out and all we can do is just go along with it. I love you too Peeta, with all my heart. I will never stop loving you. No matter what."

"So it's decided? We're keeping this baby?" He asks.

I smile. "Yes, we're keeping the baby."

I get up and go hug him. I'm happy I'm finally over the whole flashback thing where I can't be near Peeta. It would have killed me, especially now.

We pull away and a thought occurs to me.

"Peeta, what about Galw? He's still out there and he's probably looking for me right now. What if he gets to me again?" I ask scared.

"Don't worry about that Katniss. Me or Haymitch will be with you at all times and this time we'll be prepared. I promise you, he's never going to touch you again." Peeta says reassuringly.

I yawn and check the time. It's 4:02. I might as well take a nap.

I tell Peeta and he says he'll be right downstairs if I need anything.

He leaves the room and I go to the bed. I'm so happy that I don't have to worry about anything and that I can finally have a peaceful sleep.


Sorry I took so long to update. I had writers block. 💕

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