Chapter 11

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He cleared his throat before speaking.
" Well, here goes nothing.."


I look at Lucas who's clearly lost for words.
"Well, here goes nothing.. Ok Rose that guy.." He lets out a shaky breath. " God this is harder than I thought.. He.. He was your best friend Rose.. He was there for you when.. I had left you."

Left? Best friend..? Is that why I felt so at ease with him? Even thought I had just supposedly meet him I felt like I'd know him forever, it was starting to make since but.. What does Luke mean by left..?

Almost as if reading my mind he spoke, clear and sharp. "You're probably wondering, what I mean by left, but that I'm afraid is a story for another time.. Anyway back to him.. He's name is Donny. You meet Donny approximately 2 years. Why you don't remember him is a mystery to me. Because you meet him a while after you meet me. But I'm not going to question it.. He was always there when I couldn't be and, well I trusted him with you, a lot-"

"Wait wait, hold up, if he was my best friend and you trusted him, why wouldn't you let me talk to him?" I was curious. You couldn't blame me for wondering. I deserved to know the truth.

He looks at me straight on and searches my eyes for something.. Like he was seeking an answer from me of some sort.

"He.. He hurt you rose, I hurt you too but he hurt you more, or that's how I see it, I just don't want you near him, because while I want to trust him with you I don't want him near you." I was touched that Luke wanted to protect me but.. I wanted to gain my memory back. And I needed to let the people in who were once in my life before I lost it. They were the only way I could remember.

"Luke.. Thank you for looking out for me, but you promised you'd help me gain it back. And right now you're keeping me from gaining it. You need to let me make my own decisions and.. Talking to him might help me gain some of my memory back. I need communication luke, not isolation. Please understand that." I place my hand over his and give him a kind smile that he gladly returns.

"I guess you're right, I'm sorry I was being so over protective.. But there is one person I want you to avoid at all costs. Please rose, please, just listen to me about this. Stay away from a guy named Marcus. He's bad news." Before I can ask him more info on this Marcus guy the bell rings and Lucas gives me a quick goodbye before running off leaving me with more questions.

This whole memory thing is so.. Frustrating.. As I'm lost in my thought I didn't notice the footsteps behind me.

"There you are! I'm been looking all over for you. Rosalinda.."

I turn around and meet a pair of clear blue eyes.. And at one, my whole body is filled with sudden fear.

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