a letter.

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Dear Turtle,

i think it's time for you to let go of him. he has hurt you way to much and if he does it again i'll hurt him. just let him go, let those memories fade away into the nothingness of space. I know it will be hard. but girl, the pain he causes you isn't worth it. just forget him please, he'll do nothing except hurt you more then he already has. listen to your head not your heart.

just do what's best for you, even if it makes you sad now, just remember who is and was there for you when you needed him.

love, your truly Jake.

this is something my friend sent me. for the last few months ever since my bf broke up with me iv'e been falling apart. my friend jake was there for me, he stayed up till 4 in the morning just to txt, or talk to me and comfort me. he was there when I wanted to punch everyone around me, and when i fell and sprained my ankle, when i bruised 3 of my ribs a month ago and everything that iv'e needed help with for a very long time.

so Jake, thank you for helping me and being there for me when i needed you. and sorry for punching you in the face last week. i hope your not mad at me, i was just pissed off at someone. 

and thanks for being the greatest guy friend ever! 

love ya, Peace out.

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