my thoughts

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so someone asked me what i think of everything.

earth, life, society, friends, family, guys, just everything you could possibly think of.     i said:

life sucks! society is crappy! whats the point of love if in the end you only get hurt and torn apart.           family is great if you have one that loves you. which i don't so whatever.                                                           america needs a new and better president that isnt willing to kill us for fame and power over the world.

whats the point of giving up on everything thats a little hard to do? hell if everything was easy we'd probably be living on mars right now.  we would be able to fly without an airplane or helicopter.

we could do so much if everything was easy. so in order to learn and grow mentally why not keep trying? dont give up if somethings are hard.  i like to say "the harder it is to do something the better"

my best guy friend asked me why i changed my answer from no to why not. i said cause whats the point in life if theres not risk? if we never took risks we'd probably be dead right now. ok imagine life without risks.

we'd never have our first kisses cause we'd be afraid of everything that could happen. god wouldnt have created us. we wouldnt have internet or electicity. we'd die of starvation not knowing what was and wasnt poisionous. we wouldnt know each other being afraid of what the other person thought of you, no one wouldve walked the moon for the first time. we wouldnt have dogs or cats or any pets not knowing if it was dangerous or nice. we wouldnt be here if it wasnt for our ancestors having kids, being afraid we'd die at birth or have a miscarrage, we wouldnt have been able to learn how to walk at a very young age being afraid of falling and hurting ourselves. life wouldnt exists without taking risks.

so just for today, i encoragge you to go out side and try something new, weather its a new food or going to the mall and meeting new people and making friends, or go out, get some friends together and play a sport, just do something you have never done or something you havent done in a very long time, as long as you dont get into so much trouble you go to juvie or prison. 

see ya peeps later and sis if you read this then message me i need to talk to you <3 peace out!

have a great and spectacular day.


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