7 rules of life

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1. make peace with your past so it won't screw up your future.

2. what other's think of you is non of your business.

3. time heals everything, give it time.

4. don't compare your life to other's and don't judge them. you have no idea what their journey is all about.

5. stop thinking to much, it's alright not to know the answers. they will come to you when you least expect them.

6. no one is in charge of your happiness, except you.

7. smile, you don't own all the problems in the world."

now heres my rules of life,

1. don't try to change your past, you can only accept it, you can't change anything that happened.

2. what other's think probably is non of my business, but i still wanna know. so tell me what you think about me, or i'll tell you i hate your guts and you can burn in hell with Satan.

3. time cannot heal everything, but sometimes we need someone to help us. someone who loves us.

4.don't compare your life with other's. lifes to short to wish to be like someone else.

5. STOP THINKING!!!! sure knowing the answer is good, but sometimes we need to just stop thinking, and just let your heart guide you through life.

6. you know, a little bit of love can make your whole world light up and can make you the happiest person ever.

7. smile, screw the world and life your life to the fullest.

8. hang out with friends as much as possible, if you have no friends get a rabbit or dog.

9. don't wish to be loved, wish people will be grateful for the love you give to other's.

10. if life gives you lemons, say "fuck you" and squeeze them in someones eyes.

11. never say no!

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