falling asleep on them (friends but crushing)

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Tom Riddle (delulu)

context: You and him were finishing off a last minute potions assignment, you had been putting it off all week but it's due tomorrow so Tom agreed to spend the day in the library with you to make sure that you both focus. You both agreed that you're not leaving the library (apart from bathroom breaks) until it's finished. It's getting pretty late and you've been working for at least 4 hours, only taking short breaks every 30 minutes.

- You both are reading a book to help you with your potions assignment, no one has talked in a while and you are struggling to keep your eyes open.

- After a while of fighting it, you give in and close your eyelids shut. Very soon after you find yourself falling asleep, but instead of going forward, into your book, you fall sideways resting your head on Tom's shoulder while he continues reading.

- "yn what do you think you are doing?" Tom doesn't look up from his book as he speaks so he doesn't realise that you have actually fallen asleep and aren't just trying to annoy him like he would expect. 

- "don't ignore me yn. I asked you a question." He stays reading his book, getting angrier as you don't answer him.

- "and get off my shoulder! the hell do you think- oh. I see." He finally looks your way and notices that your eyes are shut. He doesn't really know what to do for a while and just sits there awkwardly in silence, his shoulders tenser than before because he's trying not to wake you.

- He gently takes your head off of his shoulder and places it onto his lap so he can actually move, "that more comfortable, doll?" 

- Even though you're asleep, you murmur a little causing him to chuckle, "Alright, sweetheart. You go ahead and rest a bit. I'll take care of finishing up your essay for you."

- he starts to play with your hair as he continues reading, he's thankful that you guys chose to study in the library and not the great hall because people are already being quiet.

- He finishes both of your essays and carries you straddling him with your head in his chest back to his (!!!) dorm where he joins you and cuddles you all night. 

- In the morning he will threaten you not to tell anyone or he'll 'have to kill them'. I mean did we really expect anything less?

Mattheo Riddle

context: You've come to the three broomsticks with all the friend group (besides Tom) after a day of shopping with Pansy in hogsmede. After a few drinks, Blaise, Draco, Enzo, and Pansy get up to dance and Theo is off with some random girl he met there, leaving a drunk you and Mattheo alone at the table. 

- You and Mattheo have always liked eachother but only started to get close recently, there's still a lot you don't know about each other so you decide to ask if he wants to play never have I ever.

- "never have I ever?" he asks and you nod, scooting closer to him, "alright then. I'll go first."

- you sit there for a bit, admiring Mattheo as he thinks of a question, "stop looking at me like that I can't focus"

- "haha sorry Matt. Hurry up and think of a question though!" You lay your head on his shoulder so you're no longer looking at him.

- You shuffle about a bit, getting comfortable, and in the end you just give in and ask him, "can I lay my head in your lap? I'm tired and you have bony shoulders. Beautiful, but bony." you are still a little tipsy clearly.

- "how dare you insult my shoulders like that! You know what? Just for that, you don't get lap privileges. Make do with my shoulder."

- "nuh uh." You completely ignore what he said and quickly lie your head on his thighs before he can object.

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