you fall asleep in class - T.N

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*friends but crushing*

context: You're sat in potions and Snape is going off on a pretty boring tangent. It doesn't help that you were gossiping with Pansy until about 1am yesterday, you thought it would be worth it but the best thing she told you was that someone heard Cho Chang crying in the bathrooms again, so now you're starting regret not going to sleep earlier.

- "oh my god this guy is so boring. I can't wait until I don't have to do potions anymore" you uttered, gently laying your head on the table and closing your eyes as you speak.

- "haha. it's not that bad when you get it, I could help you sometime if you want. I am super smart after all." Theo finishes speaking with a teasing smirk on his face, but when he looks down and see's you asleep next to him, his expression morphs into one of amusement. "no way she's actually asleep! damn."

- Theo silently admires how soft your sleeping face is. You look at peace, comfortable.

- he finds it hilarious that you fell asleep because of how boring Snape is but still shushes people he thinks are being too loud so they won't wake you up. After class he would say something like "if you want the notes then you gotta come to my dorm for them after classes and copy them. Not my fault you fell asleep." with a wink at the end

- 5 minutes before the lesson is supposed to end, Snape begins walking around the classroom, dropping a sheet of homework questions on each desk. He gets about 4 desks away and Theo notices you're still asleep. He shakes you gently at first but when that doesn't work and Snape keeps getting closer, he starts aggressively poking your side- where he knows you're ticklish- and yells in your ear, "oh my god just wake up! Snape will give you a detention if he sees you asleep fucking open your eyes!"

- this seems to wake you up, but he keeps poking your side "ow! dude what the hell did I do to you?"

- "oh sorry I forgot I was still poking you, not gonna lie. anyways shut up Snape's coming." Theo stops poking you and pretends to be writing some notes when Snape passes your table.

- "mr Nott, why exactly are you feigning writing? And miss y/l/n, see me for detention after classes are over. Don't think I didn't notice your little nap. Do my lessons bore you?"

-you quickly get over your giggling after Snape mentions Theo's fake-writing when Snape mentions that you have a detention, "well, actually sir-"

- "that was a rhetorical question y/l/n. I expect to see you along with mr Nott outside my office at 5pm tonight. non negotiable."

- "but sir- Theo didn't do anything?"

- "non. negotiable. miss y/l/n. And get rid of the attitude. That is no way to speak to your professor."

- The professor walks away before either of you can argue back and you share a look with the boy next to you, he has a wide grin on his face. You smile back at him, amused by how he's taking the fact that he just got a detention for nothing, "what's got you all happy, Nott?"

- "nothingggg."

- "nothing huh? what a weirdo." he laughs at your words and you both walk off to your next class, his arm over your shoulder.


if this is terrible someone pls tell me I would rather know haha

also do we like longer individual scenarios or do we prefer shorter ones with all of them? I'll continue to do both but if people like all the boys more then I'll post them more often

I'm also debating whether to start posting this stuff on tiktok so lmk if anyone would watch

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