headcannons - T.R

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*I will probably be adding to these as I think of more*

trigger warning: opinion!! you may not agree with these but that does not mean you need to yell at me in the comments :')

1. he cannot live without his hair gel. The guys, specifically Mattheo, would always steal it to tease and annoy him. Mattheo also got him the hugest tub (or whatever hair gel comes in idak) of hair gel for Christmas as a joke, but it backfired and Tom loved it.

2. reads. 100% reads. but he only reads classics, he refuses to read anything written in the past 50 years. You caught him reading one of your books once though (something smutty like idk icebreaker or sum shit. jkjk i actually thought icebreaker was cute-if you skip the smut scenes) and safe to say he was horrified because he'd seen you read that book in class, but after his yelling, he pulled a Nate Hawkins and said "anything you read, I'll do to you tonight" 

3. following from number 2, he would most definitely read out loud to you when you can't sleep or just because, but every time he's like "tell anyone and I'll have to kill them, understand?" obviously because he's a cutie-pie psychopath 

4. doesn't like to smile because he thinks it's 'showing weakness' but you constantly catch him smiling at you- in class, when you're alone, with friends, wherever. 

5. LOOOOOOOVES it when you wear his clothes. he thinks you look so hot in them. Whether it's when you've stolen his hoodie, when you put his t-shirt on to sleep in, when you wear his quidditch jersey, etc etc. he will never admit it out loud or anything, but you know by the way he acts like he'll just walk up to you, shove his quidditch jersey into your hands, and walk away. He gets so mad when you wear another guy's hoodie, say you were out with your guy friend, it was cold, he notices and gives you his hoodie, you forget you're even wearing it and then get back to the castle, Tom is LIVID.

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