ignoring him because you had a dream where he cheated - L.B

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context: You and Enzo have been dating for a good year now, you're both incredibly comfortable with eachother and everyone around you is jealous of your relationship. One night, when he just happened to go out with the boys meaning you weren't sleeping in the same bed as you normally would, you had a dream where Enzo cheated on you and it felt extremely real. When you woke up, you were suspicious because you hadn't seen him the night before as he was with his mates and instead of telling him about the dream and being mature, (ugh being mature is so overrated)  you decide to give him the silent treatment all day.

(I know that's a fatass paragraph so if you can't be bothered to read it just think Phoebe in that one episode of friends. If you haven't seen friends and cba to read it then uh idk)

- It's lunch, you're sat with your friends in the great hall, you've been ignoring Enzo all day and now you've even sat on the complete other side to him and the table. 

- Pansy turns to you, noticing you glaring at a clueless Enzo "has something happened between you and Berkshire? Or is it some weird foreplay thing that I don't want to hear about?"

- "okay.. I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone else okay?" You are full-on acting as if this wasn't a dream. And you don't plan on disclosing that information when telling other people either ;)

- "oh my god yes just tell me!" Pansy looks at you worriedly and anticipating the words about to come out your mouth. 

- "uh, well he kind of cheated on me. Last night. He said he was hanging out with his friends but clearly not.."

- "are you taking the piss?"

- "dead serious."

- "BERKSHIRE!" Enzo's head snaps up from his food and he looks at Pansy, completely oblivious to whats going on

- "uh yes Parkinson? Can I help you?"

- "don't have that attitude with me you fucking prick!" Enzo looks at you for some help or even a clue as to what's going on, he knew Pansy was protective over you and wasn't his biggest fan but she didn't normally yell at him across the table. 

- you just shake your head and begin eating the food on your plate

- "uh what?" Enzo comes over to your and Pansy's side of the table and walks up to you, "what the hell was that? Why am I a fucking prick?" the last question was more aimed in your direction

- "wow. You're really gonna play the stupid card huh? Pathetic, Berkshire. You disgust me truly." You decide this is worth breaking your sworn silence for

- "oh so now she's talking to me? I have to say that's not exactly what I expected you to say.. but words are words. So what did I do now?"

- "I'm continuing my silence if you're just going to act ignorant. I'm not stupid, you know. Now go away. I don't want to see your cheating face anywhere near me."

- Enzo looks extremely confused at your word choices cheating? he thought. "Yn what do you-"

- "uh I think she said leave us alone. Got it? Or do I need to say it slower for you?" Pansy interrupted him.

- "Yn can I talk to you? alone?" Enzo looks up at you pleadingly, completely turning away from Pansy,  he just wants a chance to find out what you think you know, and a chance to explain himself.

- "I guess.. but I don't have anything to say to you."

- "that's fine, that's fine darling. Let's walk? If you're finished with your food of course." He's happy that you said yes to hearing him out, but he doesn't want to come off too eager.

- "sure thing. Bye Pans, I'll see you later yeah? Love you." You leave with Enzo, Pansy glaring at him the entire time until he's out of her sight. 

- "so what did you mean when you said you didn't want to see my 'cheating face' earlier?" Enzo speaks as soon as you get away from the noise of the great hall

- "I think that's quite self explanatory don't you?"

- "well, I guess but it just confused me. Yn I don't know what you might have heard or maybe even seen and taken the wrong way.. but I haven't cheated. Ever. On anyone. I wouldn't! That's a horrible thing to do to someone." You guys stop walking, he grabs your arm trying to reassure you.

- You turn to face him, "what?"

- "Is this why you haven't talked to me today? Because you think I cheated on you?" You lightly nod and bow your head, he drapes his arm over your shoulder pulling you into his chest, "oh babyyyyy. Why didn't you just come to me?"

- "I was mad." you wiggle out of his grip, staying slightly sceptical,  "And I swear you did! How do I know you're not lying right now?"

- "what made you think I cheated?"

- "well I saw you.."

- Enzo's face shifts completely, "huh?"

- "yeah, I saw you with her. It was right before.." The realisation finally sets in.

- "right before..?"

- "nothing. absolutely nothing. I love you by the way did I tell you that? I'm taking you out to dinner tonight as well so put your best pair of jeans on."  You kiss him on the cheek and act as if nothing ever happened

- "hey I don't think so. No you're going to tell me exactly what just happened."

- "what just happened?" gaslight gatekeep girlboss

- "yn I'm not an idiot. Now tell me the truth. You saw me cheating right before what?"

-"what? Are you feeling okay sweetheart? You're starting to look a little pale. I think we should get you to bed. Come on." You start walking and drag him along forcefully but he's absolutely not convinced and digs his feet into the ground.

- "tell me what happened in the next 2 minutes or no cuddles for a month. I don't care if it's stupid, embarrassing, whatever. I just want to know darling." He takes both your hands in his and gives you a genuine smile, one that makes your knees wobble slightly

- "you wouldn't! You're the one who asks to cuddle half the time!"

- "don't test me. You have 1 minute and thirty seconds." He drops your hands and looks at you in anticipation

- "okay fine but you can't be mad. Promise me."

- "I'll do you one better (who is gamora SORRY I'LL CONTINUE) I pinky promise." he holds out his pinky for you to intertwine yours with his.

- You lock in the pinky promise, "okay so this is gonna sound really stupid but it was a dream. It felt really real though! I only realised when I thought about it and realised that there was a centaur with Timothee Chalamet's face." Enzo looks at you with confusion, "he's a muggle actor. He's in little women, you know him."

- "so he's my competition huh? Bring it on. Anyways I can't believe you've been ignoring me all day because of a dream. Wow."

- "oh shut up Enzo, I swear it felt like real life."

- Enzo looks at you with a smirk, "what did you just say to me? Oh sweetheart you're gonna regret that."

- "Enzo what do yo- AHH enzoooo put me down!" Enzo interrupts you by snaking his hands around your waist and flinging you over his shoulder, running down the corridor and to his dorm.

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