headcannons - T.N

891 26 4

*I will probably be adding to these as I think of more*

trigger warning: opinion!! you may not agree with these but that does not mean you need to yell at me in the comments :')

1. boobs guy 100%. when you're cuddling, he lays his face on them, something else which I won't say because I can't help but cringe so I'll let yous figure that out, when you're tryna get to class and the corridors are busy, he doesn't hold your bag like a normal person he grabs a tit, always staring and when you confront him about it he is literally the opposite of sorry, like its at the point where he'll be doodling in class and it'll just be pages of boobs (tbf a lot of guys at my school do this so idk if that is actually that strange but oh well)

2. loves to hangout in the astronomy tower, not just because he can smoke there but I think he just loves to look at the sky- he'll take you up there for dates to look at the stars/watch the sunset.

3. effortlessly smart. Smarter than Draco. It's canon that  he takes potions for his NEWTS and I think he's the type of person who can take the test and get 100% even though he pisses about or just simply doesn't listen in lesson. (im sorry but i hate those types of people its not fair)  He definitely teases you if you get a bad mark but will help you get it higher and if you don't understand something he will sit with you in the library for hours until you do. 

4. smokes like a chimney but would get SO MAD if you ever even touched a cigarette. He doesn't care about the hypocrisy, he won't smoke around you either he'll go outside or in a different room.

 5. Loves pda to the point where your friends automatically look away whenever one is walking up to the group after being apart. Always has a hand on your thigh, constant forehead kisses, always whispering random shit in your ear etc etc. You guys have probably done it more times in public than in private.

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