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It was close to nightfall, the team had been walking for a while again, when they had a funny feeling that they were being watched or followed. "Ya know, is it just me...or does anyone else get a weird shiver at the back of their neck whenever they're in this kinda situation?", Harley asked the group, "errr...I guess, it is quiet", Floyd answered as he put his mask back on. "Ooo Bad boy, got his mask on now, huh?", Harley joked, as Deadshot proceeded to walk whilst keeping up his guard. After a few moments, suddenly Black Spider, turned to counter an attack from a mysterious hooded figure dressed like a ninja, striking a sword at him. A rapid fight kicked off between the two of them, as the Ninja was attempting to kill him, whilst Black Spider countered all of the attacks, as Deadshot aimed his gun at the Ninja, Harley lowered it, taking deep interest in the fight, when suddenly they were ambushed my more Ninjas, then shots fired from Deadshot. Everywhere he looked and turned, he fired his gun, as as the trees began crawling with Ninjas, "where the hell all these come from?!", Harley wondered as she pulled out her pistols and proceeded to shoot them all.

As the squad battled the Ninjas, arrow's were being fired at them from above, as most of the arrow's were being fired at Croc, as he was larger, it was easier. Croc began to rip the ninja's apart, brutally with more anger, Ivy used the surrounding plants to her advantage, using vines and roots to pull enemies down to the ground, and restrain them, so Harley could shoot them, whilst Black Spider continued to battle the Ninjas with his fists.

Once the squad had defeated the Ninjas, Harley said to Black Spider, "now, you didn't learn that at some regular Karate Class", then he answered, "I didn't. I was apart of a group called The League Of Shadows, before I left and went on my own path", "the wha-that some kinda cult?", Harley questioned, "they're a Secret Society who hide out in the Himalayan mountains", Black Spider explained. "And these guys attack just like them..", he added.

As the Squad proceeded, they came across a plane wreckage, "is that the plane they were talking about?", Harley wondered, "possibly", Black Spider responded, "alright, let's check it ready for anything though", Deadshot told them. The team got closer to the plane wreckage and heard a strange noise coming from inside. "Hold up..", Deadshot said as he slowly walked towards the wreckage, aiming his gun, as the noise sounded like...snoring...

They followed the sound an found a mask on the floor, "Killer Moth?!", Harley exclaimed, as Drury Walker awoke, jumping out of a plane seat. "What-", he suddenly pulled out his gun, aiming at the squad, "what the hell's this?!", Drury shouted, "Hey, everyone, guns down!", Harley said, as Deadshot responded, "sure, you first 'Killer Moth'". The two of them began to argue and Harley fired her gun towards the sky, "oh for fuck sake the pair of you, shut up!", causing both Deadshot and Killer Moth to jump out of shock. "Now, in order for us all to get off this island, nobody here needs to die...", Harley said, after a few seconds of silence following up, "thank you", she added. "First things first, what are you doing here and secondly, why the fuck are you sleeping in a plane wreck?", Harley questioned Drury, as he answered, "Waller sent us out here as a squad-", however Deadshot interrupted, "wait a minute...there was another squad, like us?", "yeah-well, now there's just me", Drury responded, as Deadshot walked off, taking off his mask, "that mother fucker...", he said to himself, referring to Waller. Harley began to laugh, "don't ya'll get it?", she questioned, "Waller sent us all out here as a distraction, so her soldiers can take out Bane...we were never coming back...she set us up", Harley explained, as Floyd starred into nothing with a serious, scared look on his face. "Ya okay?" Harley asked, however Floyd gave her no response, then Harley fake coughed, "Hellooo, Earth to Floyd?", she stood in his face, starring at him. "Back home, I have a daughter, she visits me in the prison and Waller told me that if I complete these top secret tasks she sets me, she'll cut time off my sentence and I'll be able to hold her again...", Deadshot explained to Harley as there was an awkward silence amongst the team. "What's her name?", Harley asked him, "her name's Zoe", he told her. "She's Eleven", Floyd added.

TASK FORCE X: A SUICIDE SQUADWhere stories live. Discover now