Chapter 26

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"Do we know anything?" Susie said softly.

Nancy gave Susie's hand a squeeze, "Not yet, honey."

Jeanne gently rubbed her hand up and down Susie's back.

"What do we do?" she bit back tears.

"Well, we can't fly out there... Not with you this far along, so we wait."

"Nancy, what if..."

"Don't even think like that."

"Do the kids know?"

"Nancy does, but the younger two don't."

"What about his parents?"

"They're on their way over here. You and the children were Dolly's first priority."

The doorbell rang.

"Speaking of Dolly..." Jeanne went to answer the door.

When Dolly saw Susie, she ran toward her. "Oh darling, how are you holding up?"

"I'm okay."

Dolly hugged her then turned to Nancy, "How are you, hon? How are my grandbabies?"

For the first time since Dean called, Nancy felt her own emotions. However, she buried them deep down, "I'm alright. The kids are okay. Nancy knows; the younger two do not."

"Well, is someone going to call and find out what's going on?" Dolly asked.

"I'll try the hospital in Vegas. Maybe they can page Dean," Jeanne answered.

"Nancy, if you think they can handle knowing, why don't you have the kids brought over here," Susie suggested.

"Are you sure that won't be too much? I know Frank's first worry right now would be you and the baby. I don't want anything to stress you further." Nancy spoke so gently to Susie.

"No. The kids need you, and so do I... it's only fair that we share."

Nancy smiled at Susie.

Marty spoke up, "I'll go get them."

Jeanne returned, "He's conscious and talking with Dean and Sammy. Pardon my language here, but Dean says, 'Frank is bitching up a storm about the whole thing.'" They all let out a little chuckle. "From what Dean says, once they are sure he's stable, they're going to let him fly back to Cedars."

"What a relief..." Susie sighed.

"Frank's been asking to call, so once Dean can get a phone to him or him to a phone, there'll be a phone call."

Marty grabbed his keys, "I better get the kids then. They'll want to talk to him."

Everyone sighed with relief after Jeanne's announcement. Then the women began planning how to feed everyone. Dolly had made Susie go lie down while they waited for the phone call. The phone was placed on a table close to where Susie laid.

Finally, it rang.


"Hey, Doll," he said. He tried to sound enthusiastic, but he was exhausted.

"Francis, are you alright?" she nearly whispered, attempting to hide her tears.

"They're going to ship me to Cedars tomorrow. I'm going to need some serious physical therapy on my left side."

"We can handle that... Francis, I love you."

"I love you too."

"Listen, your kids are anxious to talk to you, so I'll catch you soon."



"I really, really love you." His voice cracked.

"I love you too." Susie was crying knowing that Frank was too. "I... There's been so many times that I should've said it more. I couldn't help but think..."

"I know," Frank cried, "because I thought the same thing."

"I can't wait to get you home."

"I can't wait to be home with you."

"I'll see you soon," she whispered.

She passed the phone onto his children who took turns talking to their father. Jeanne approached Susie, "Feel better talking to him?"

"Yes. It's a relief."

"Listen, Dean and I will be there for you," Jeanne spoke softly. "Whatever you need."

"I appreciate that. I appreciate you coming over here."

"Of course. I know you or Frank would've done the same."

Meanwhile in Vegas the next day, Dean and Sammy stood on either side of Frank while he tried to walk.

He was sweating and swearing as they moved. Finally, Dean suggested they take a break.

They got Frank back into bed. After he caught his breath, he muttered, "That would've worked a helluva lot better if you weren't so goddamn short Sammy Baby."

Dean laughed.

"You ain't no better, Drunky! Six feet tall and you can't stand up straight."

Sammy laughed at Frank.

The three of them smiled. "What would I do without you guys?"

"Construction work," Sammy laughed.

They laughed.

"Well, pallies. I should see if they're ready to fly Frank and I back to California. Sam, you sure you don't mind doing the show alone? I can fly back."

"No, I've got it," Sammy said.

A few hours later, Frank was loaded into the plane. He slept most of the way. When they landed, Dean spotted Jeanne and Susie at the gate with the ambulance.

"Frank!" Susie exclaimed.

"Hey, Doll," he hugged her with his good arm.

Neither of them could stop the tears from falling.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm glad you're alright."

Susie touched his face and then kissed him.

"I'm sorry about all of this," he whispered. "It's not going to be ideal with a new baby."

"It'll be alright, Frank. We'll get through it together."

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