Chapter 25

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They laid together in bed, and Frank had his arm wrapped around Susie. His other hand caressed her stomach. Susie glanced at him, "Just about a month now. Are we ready?"

"I'm more ready than I've ever been before. That's the problem with being a dumb kid yourself when you have kids. I was in my twenties and didn't know what the hell I was doing with my kids. Thank Christ Nancy wasn't a stupid kid like me. She knew what she was doing. Now, I feel like I've got this all under control."

"I don't," Susie laughed. "I've never had a baby before."

"Well, I'll be with you every step of the way... If you want of course."

"I didn't think they let the fathers in the delivery room."

"Doll, I don't pull the celebrity card often, but I will for this."

"I'd like you there, Frank."

"Then I'll be there," he kissed her cheek.

The next morning, the two of them woke to a knock at the door. Frank rolled over and muttered something before springing out of bed, "Shit! Dean and I are supposed to be leaving like now!"

"Frank!" a voice called from downstairs, "It's Dean! I let myself in. Where ya at?"

"You get ready. I'll go make you a cup of coffee."

Susie crawled out of bed and descended the stairs, tying her robe above her stomach as she walked.

"Hi, Dean. He's on his way. Sorry... We got in late last night."

"No problem. We've got time."

"Coffee?" she yawned as she put the pot together.

"Sure, hon. Hey, how's everything been going?"

She nodded and smiled, "Really wonderful."

"Glad to hear it," Dean patted her hand.

The coffee brewed, and as Dean sipped at his cup, Susie poured Frank's into a travel mug. Soon enough, Frank came down the stairs looking dapper.

"Hey, Pally!" Dean smiled, "We need to get moving."

"Sure. Susie, you call Jeanne, Nancy, or my parents if you need something."

Susie nodded.

"Alright, Doll. I'll see you next week." Frank kissed her on the cheek, bent down and kissed her belly, and headed out the door.

Dean and Frank landed in Vegas a few hours later. Frank complained of being tired, so he went up to his suite to rest. Eventually, Dean figured he was going to be hungry, so he decided to wake him.

When Dean knocked on the door, Frank's voice answered, sounding panicked. "Pally, I think you'd better get in here... Something's wrong."

"Frank, open the door."

"I can't. Can't move."

"I'm going to get someone to let me in. Hang tight."

Meanwhile, Frank sat slumped over on the couch. He couldn't figure out what had happened. He had a massive headache, and suddenly, his left limbs were rendered useless. In his mind, he assumed it was probably a stroke, but he couldn't figure how. He had just turned forty-five!

"I'm here, Frank. They're letting me in."

He heard the key turn in the lock. Then, Dean appeared in the room.

Dean felt his stomach drop. Frank looked awful. One side of his mouth drooped and his eyes looked like a frightened child's.

"Frank, what in the hell happened?"

"Big headache, and then this he motioned to the left side of his body. My face is it..."

"Fuck," Dean muttered. After gathering his thoughts, he raced to the telephone to call for help. Then, he immediately called his own house. "Jeanne, I need to you to get over to Frank's place immediately and keep Susie away from the television set. "

"Dean... What's..."

"I can't explain, but if Susie finds out in her condition, I don't want to think about it."

He slammed down the phone and went to Frank's side.

"Shoot it straight with me, Drunky. How bad is this?"

"It's not good, Frank."

"Fuck. Christ, there's Susie and the baby..."

Dean stared down at his feet. He hated seeing Frank like this.

"Hey, Ol' Red Eyes, listen... I'm not one to get all mopey and sappy, but if this is bad, you gotta make sure Suz and my kids are alright."

"Frank, you should know by now that you don't even have to say that. Of course I would do that."

A few minutes later, the paramedics arrived and loaded Frank onto a gurney to take him to the hospital. Once Frank was in the ambulance, Dean ran to Sammy's room.

Not one to show emotions, Dean exploded when Sam answered the door.

"Drunky, what's wrong?"

Dean hugged his short friend, "I think Frank's had a stroke."

He cleared his throat and quickly wiped away any evidence of losing his cool.

"Shit," Dean muttered.

"What? What?"

"Nancy and the kids. I was worried about Susie in her condition, but Nancy and the kids."

Dean barged into Sammy's room and grabbed the phone. He quickly dialed Nancy Sr.

"Nance, listen... Frank is on his way to the hospital. I think he's had a stroke. He's talking and alert, but his left side is... Yeah. I sent Jeanne over there..." Sam watched the one side of the conversation and his head spun. He couldn't believe that their leader, their protector, their big brother of sorts was sick. Watching Dean handle the situation was unsettling for that reason. Though Dean was doing a good job, it made something inside Sammy hurt, knowing that Frank was the one in trouble.

"What do you think, Sam?"


"Should Nancy go over there and tell Susie?"

"She's gotta find out eventually. Anybody call Frank's parents?"

"Fuck!" Dean yelled. "I'm sorry for my language, Nancy... We gotta tell his parents."

Over the phone, Nancy could sense that Mr. Cool was in fact, losing his cool. In a quiet but stern voice, she said, "I will take care of Susie, Dolly, and Marty. You go to the hospital and take care of Frank."

"Thanks, Nancy," Dean said sheepishly.

He hung up the phone and turned to Sammy. "Why couldn't I be the one in the goddamn hospital bed? If it was me, that son of a bitch would know how to take care of all this shit."

"Let's go, Drunky. Our leader needs us."

"Sam, if something happens to him, I don't know how we'll... and Susie. The baby. The kids..."

"Nothings going to happen. Come on," Sam said softly and lead the way to the exit.

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