Chapter 3: An Accidental Encounter

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"Welcome to the Moriarty's Cafe, what can I do... for you-" Sherlock widened his eyes. The name of the cafe. The voice of the barista sounded oddly.. familiar.

Upon hearing the familiar voice and the name which he knew so well, he quickly snapped his head to face the barista and his eyes widened even more.

"... Louis?" He called out, making the barista bewildered. He stood up straight as he started at the person with the same blonde hair as the man which he swore is his other half, their face almost looking the same but his eyes didn't have the same scarlet red color like that other man. It is more of a maroon red.

"I'm sorry, do you know me?" Louis asked in confusion. Ah, of course he didn't remember. Not everyone remembered their past. Sherlock reminded himself.

"No, it's your name tag" Sherlock pointed at the golden name tag on his shirt as Louis nodded. "Right.. sorry, what can I get for you?" Your brother's phone number, if you both are also brothers in this life. Sherlock replied in his mind.

"Can I have a black americano?" Sherlock requested as Louis typed in his order. "Is that all?" Sherlock hummed as Louis type something.

"Alright, that would be £3.99, would you like to pay cash or card?" "Card please" Louis nodded as he took out the card machine and Sherlock tapped it. A few seconds later, a receipt was printed out and it was handed to Sherlock.

"Your order will be out in 5 minutes" Sherlock nodded as he sat on the stool in front of the counter. Louis looked like he is in his 19s. He doesn't remember anything so.. it is possible that Liam also doesn't remember anything. Well is Liam even his brother? I should ask him.

Despite knowing the fact that he could get Louis to have murderous intent on him in this life too, he decided on asking Louis about William when he's back.  

Five minutes later, Louis returned with Sherlock's coffee in his hand. "Here is your coffee sir—" "Louis can I ask you a question?" Louis looked at Sherlock in confusion as he nodded uncertainly.

"Sure.. is there anything I can help you with?" Sherlock nodded as he took a sipped of his coffee and hummed in delight. "Yes—and you mind need to sit down for it. Also, your coffee is truly delightful" Louis smiled as he pulled a stool and sat behind the counter in front of Sherlock.

"Thank you mister, but what is it you want to ask?" "Do you have a brother?" Louis looked at Sherlock in confusion again as he nodded. "Two older brothers actually.. why?" "No reason, is the second one perhaps ... a math professor?" Louis widened his eyes as he stared at Sherlock.

"How do you know?" "You reminded me of a person I know" Sherlock smiled at him. "I also happened to know what people profession by just looking at them and you, Louis, you're not the barista"

Louis continued to stared at Sherlock bewildered as he waited for Sherlock to continue.

"If my deduction is correct, you are the youngest child of the Moriarty family, as for why I know your last name it's simply because of how this cafe is from your ancestors and has been opened for many years, probably more than 20 years, you are around 19 years old if I'm not mistaken. You are studying culinary arts and you are the manager for this Café but since today one of your workers took a day off, you have to fill in as the barista. You also have an artistic side and can play an instrument, presumably the piano since someone has taught you. Well, are my deductions correct or just completely off?"

Louis stared at Sherlock, his jaw slightly agape. "Yes.. yes you're correct" "Wonderful! And for that do you that I could have your number, perhaps?" Louis blinked at Sherlock as he sighed.

"You don't want my number, you want my brother's number" Sherlock grinned as he nodded. "My brother doesn't like it when other people have his number" Louis replied.

"But I think he would love to be friends with you, here" Louis took a paper and quickly wrote down his brother's number. "This is my brother's number" Louis handed him the paper as he quickly glared at Sherlock. "Don't disturb him"

"Thank you Lou-Lou! Have a great day!" Sherlock exclaimed happily as he walked away from the counter. Lou-Lou?! Louis thought as he took a glanced at the man who had just asked for his brother's number.

Louis sighed as he took off his apron and quickly walked away from the counter. "Mr Holmes, wait" Sherlock paused as he turned to look at Louis.

"... how did you know my name?" Sherlock asked, there's no tone of playfulness in them, if anything he sounded shocked.

"I.. follow me"

Until I Found Him (Book 1) || SHERLIAM || Reincarnation AU || BXBWhere stories live. Discover now